The Story's direction

I think it’s too late to go back to gnolls being taken seriously as a threat to level 60+ characters. For better or worse.

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Quillboar in Kul’Tiras says no.


I forgot about the updated Quilboars. The same could be done for the other races. Especially Gnolls & Centaur. If they update them to look like they hit the gym they could look pretty imposing.


I didn’t take them seriously then either. They’re quilboar. Yeah they can mess up peasants but lol at them posing a serious threat to non-civilians at this point.

I rarely even did the Quilboar quest stuff because that’s a job for the local guard, and I’m needed on the other side of the zone where there are a bunch of stygian horrors trying to summon cthulu

Quilboars almost killed Garrosh and he was no peasant.
I think they, Centaur, other bandits and mercenariea and third party organisations should be a valid threat after Horde and Alliance is spent and on verge of collapse.


Quilboar, Gnolls, Murlocs, etc. were literally conceived of in WC3 as trash mobs in small camps intended to serve as either a speedbump for a proper force or as a way to farm things.

You can’t escalate that into an expansion-tier threat. You just can’t. Even if Blizzard came up with all the lore rationalizations that we could possibly want, the reaction of the general playerbase would be a LOL that grows exponentially until it blocks out the sun.

And did you take the generic Horde meat-heads that replaced them seriously?

Even the Red vs. Blue story is only “threatening” for plebeians.

Yes, because the Horde already had a long-established history of being a grave threat rather than a long established history of being glorified training dummies for level ones.

You can if you’re out of resources and out of manpower. Both Alliance and the Horde are at thier weakest now. I find the Idea to be hit with struggle against common foe entertaining.

I don’t really buy this. Between its much more advanced economies and its territorial gains, the Alliance came out of the Fourth War stronger than it entered it in, especially if the Night Elves relocate to Hyjal.

The Horde was stalemated in Kalimdor while the Alliance gained control of the Eastern Kingdoms. I’d call that a win.

Granted, WoW goes by “quantum troops” when it comes to army populations, but the last we heard, both alliance and horde armies are all but extinguished, and now we have an expansion where Azeroth’s going through a perpetual Bone Zone from the scourge while we’re away.

Not that it’ll happen, but I think it’d be feasible if the player characters wrapped up the Shadowlands expansion and came home just to find absolutely everybody dead.


Oh pish posh, we were supposedly weakened next to nothing by the war in Northrend, then the war in Pandaria, then the war against the Legion, etc etc etc

This is a game based on an RTS and as such it uses RTS logic. The only point at which anyone is weakened is when they’re waiting for their barracks queue to complete

I’ve been watching a lot of competitive WC3 mods as of late and it really hammers home just how wars work in this universe conceptually. The only characters are heroes. Everyone else is disposable people that can be replenished infinitely as long as the infrastructure is in place.

I’m just saying that this is the best time to introduce reasonable ground-leveled conflicts and making out of low tier enemies valid threat. We have the tools to make it. Both factions are weak and spent, no man power means smaller supervision of territories, it means more opportunist factions rising to wrestle some of territories/ goods for themselves.

I find it entertaining. And I’d like this kind of story where resourcefulness and strategy are important.


Oh god, I love this term for them. I mean I hate that WoW is so bad it needs things like this, but I love this term, it works perfectly.


To be fair, I cribbed it from someone else talking about “quantum orcs” after the SoO patch when Blizzard claimed that Garrosh only had a minority of orc support. :stuck_out_tongue:


Dev who decided quillboars aren’t exciting enough and they need to have the METAL HORDE attack Brennadam says yes.

I’d like to see places be at peace for a while so that they can be built up properly before being knocked down by the next world-ending bogeyman. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to care about getting attacked by things when it feels like everyone’s territories are in perpetual ruins anyway.


Oh I agree there should be zones that are recovering but we still have to have a content, no?


There definitely needs to be some type of era of peace (maybe with some small time conflicts with these other 3rd parties) because the world has been chaotic for a long time now. That’s why im a fan of the time skip theory following Shadowlands. It would give the world time to change a bit and recover. For me the ideal time skip would be anywhere from 5-30 years… It’s long enough for there to be some recovery and rebuilding but still short enough that it’s not too far removed from the world we know.


If we skip to a time where we are rebuilding, hopefully no more Borrow power themes either. Maybe more Impacts of race on classes, at least the animations, spells and so on.

I haven’t played much in the last few weeks because when the m+ grind got old there isn’t much else to keep interest and the story is leaving much to be desired.

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