The Story's direction

Hello, using the opportunity that I still have some time left, I decided to ask one last question to you all.

Seeing the Hearthstone expansion trailer made me feel ‘homesick’ and I was more interested in doing simple adventuring in the open world instead of going to some different otherwordly planes meeting entities that are meant to be stronger and stronger than the previous one but who will fall into obscurity after expansion ends.

So I wanted to ask if you feel the same way? Would you prefer stories that are much more down to earth, where we have simple conflicts over resources/ territories/ influence/ religion/ IP/ whatever… than what we have now?

I feel incredibly demotivated that each - expansion - we have world-ending threats. We continue to dive into these new bizarre planes that quickly become irrelevant. Not to mention the game is forcing Anduin to be the main protagonist of the Franchise which is even more off-putting.

Now, going to other places isn’t a bad thing, neither liking Anduin or Baine is a bad thing, people are entitled to their opinions. But hear me out - when you log into this game and create your character - is it because you want to be an agent of the race you picked, or you’re just ‘the hero’ that will work with everyone and is above petty tribalism?

Extra elaboration:

I know that some people are pro- neutrality, and want to stay away from conflict. But conflict not always means full-blown war. There can be conflict within the faction regarding religion for example, there can be a conflict of interests and conflict about certain practices. But to be perfectly blunt, if I rolled a character and invested my time into it, I want to see the race I’m playing having visible story progression. That from point A it naturally leads to point B. It doesn’t have to be anything big, for example, if we take WoD and we saw Darkspear Shadowhunters interacting with Arrakoa outcasts who are known from potent shadow magic that has a protective purpose - in case if we won’t interact with Arrakoa anymore, they could be referenced in some text speech or by Troll NPCs trying to mimic their arts and say what they learned from the Outcasts. Or where we go to Highmountain and Baine could ask for an audience with Mayla as two leaders of tauren tribes in the same way Thrall did in TBC. Remember that Gilnean village in Val’Sharah and how it impacted Worgen narrative? Me neither.

Minor stuff but it at least gives some racial agency, if we go to a new region it’s great to see how it is influencing the lore of playable races and usually, it’s just a matter of flavor text/ just one quest at least. Because I have a hard time believing that they sat on their behinds while PC did all the work and imo details like that really matter if you want to immerse yourself into the world. And I care less and less about new no-name entities (and I don’t care how high they’re on the power ladder, they’re just not important to me, it’s another “monster of the week” kind of antagonist ).

And this problem extends to “franchise protagonists” which is imo very stupid idea for an MMORPG game where you have lots of factions to pick from and where each should have equal importance.
Sylvanas and Anduin are the biggest examples of how it hurts the story of entire factions if everyone has to bend backward just so they could have their way.

Maybe it would be better if we returned to basics and craft entertaining stories out of simple stuff? Where there is room for everyone to grow?
For now really Barrens > Shadowlands for me. But maybe it’s just me while other players want to be World champions and felt that they earned recognition after all this time playing the game (which is also valid and fair).


This. I did a similar thread awhile back, which to summarize basically talked about how I think that the story writers have They have raised the stakes so high and so often, that I feel that the stakes do not really matter anymore. It really makes me long for the time where our adventurer’s business of the day was to help some villagers with their local gnoll problem, or perhaps put an end to an evil wizard that was camped out in the area. Not watch other people stop super mega death satan.

For the most part I feel the same way. But, I think I would not mind so much if they did something crazy to shake things up. Maybe have an expansion where the big bad actually lives up to their own hype and wins at the end of the expansion? Then set up the next expansions to be us dealing with the aftermath. That might make things feel like they matter, atleast a little.


This is why I hold Vash’ir in such high regard, not only it’s a visual marvel but this is one of the situations where PC lost and was struggling to survive. It was really pulled out well.

While I don’t have anything against “Big bad” concept, in order for them to leave an impression, they shouldn’t be dealt with this swiftly. I really liked Thunder King but he disappeared almost as soon as he was resurrected. And the big bad shouldn’t be This Big (Sargeras, Jailer) , it should be reasonably scaled for mortals to deal with.

Maybe the N’Znoth stuff should be an expansion feature and not a patch feature? Let’s have again Twilight cultists, lets have a player investigate some minor intrigues.
Or Prophet Zul - maybe don’t turn him into Blood Slug worshipper but make out of him understandable villain where the judgement over him shouldn’t be this easy, and make him last longer to at least see why he became this way.

Why not have an expansion where we have rogue third parties? Like pirates and bandits? It would be a great theme IMO, where Horde and Alliance are meant to be spent and on verge of collapse - why not various rogue groups rising to the opportunity to get some territories and control?

Maybe these new factions have some interesting plans/ grievances and Horde/Alliance is standing in a way?
Maybe Gallywix hires mercenaries to gain control when Horde and Alliance is weak.

We have so many races in this world and so many places. The stories should write themselves.


I’m a little conflicted. While I wouldn’t mind some down-to-earth stories, I have 0 interest in it being related to racial or faction stuff at this time. I didn’t pick my race to be a troll; I did it to be a mage. And yeah, I’d prefer to be “the hero” and if I had the chance to go neutral, I would.

Right now, if I had to pick between only two choices of “focus on racial/faction stuff” or “go to another isolated world,” I’d still prefer another vacation expansion after Shadowlands. Whether it be another world or just another continent.

Yes! Join Us! Make a 100% underground, full Depths of Azeroth expansion Blizzard! Dwarves, Gnomes, Goblins, and Gil-goblins should be the major players, and every zone should be beneath the earth. Get real different. Draw inspirations from the Mines of Moria, Dragon Age Deeproads, and The Wellspring, a cave so big it has it’s own clouds and weather patterns.

It would be one epic expansion without us having to deal with crazy world and dimension shattering powers.

Some Pictures for inspiration/reference:

https: //static .wikia .nocookie .net/dragonage/images/2/24/The_Wellspring_overview .png/revision/latest?cb=20180104085454

https: //static .wikia .nocookie .net/dragonage/images/c/c6/The_Wellspring_Gallery_Shot .png/revision/latest?cb=20150914115745


The Last two expansion feels like a game of D&D where the DM is playing his own characters and has pushed the players aside. Sure the players can do stuff but it doesn’t feel important anymore as the DM is more interested about their characters saving the day.

I mean we are called the maw walker at the moment but that means absolutely nothing to the main story. I mean Jaina can apparently now teleport in and out of the maw. Anduin can leave when ever he chooses.

Sure we will probably fight Sylvanas next expac but no doubt some NPC will come in and get the final kill. When we face the Jailer I doubt the player will be the one getting the kill

Blizzard needs to step back with the NPC’s and de power them to a level where they aren’t important to the story and its up to the player to overcome the challenges.

Legion did this well as they player was made to feel important, we were in charge of our own class halls, we made decisions about follower, artifacts and faced enemies without assistance or NPC’s coming in to save the day.


It would be great if we would find big remains of pre-Soundering Kalimdor. With the various ruins of of some other non-elf species to fully grasp the scale of destruction it caused.

And I always wanted some undersea dome within troll ruins to study the life deep beneth the seas. :heart_eyes:

Oh and maybe There is some other Elemental lord that tries to overthrow Neptulon? Maybe due to stab of the Sword new landscapes emerged.
What if Darkspear’s first home resurfaced?!

Le gasp!


I kinda want another Catacylsm(but not destroying the old world! Just an actually different version in the present. If you want to go back to Cata time you would just talk to Chromie!).

The Terror by Torchlight short makes me long to actually see the Eastern Kingdoms/Kalimdor reflect the current realities and show me what has happened to them.

Hell, this could be split into two expansions! One for each continent and with both of them occurring in the same time.


Being a Maw Walker just means we’re like the Keyholder to the lock on the Maw. We’re … Not much more special then that.

And Jaina can only leave the Maw because we unlocked the cell door for her.
And Anduin can only leave because the Jailor wills it.


I agreed with everything besides this part as I felt that it was continuation of a trend from WoD where you went from General to the Leader of Class Hall. Which is also not appealing to me, most of my characters don’t seek attention. They know that drawing attention is a bad business.

Every NPC bowing down to PC didn’t feel great to me.
And it reminded me of this machinima:


I get what you are saying there however there is always escalation and renown that eventually comes being a powerful adventure. I don’t want to be helping farmers all day it was one of the annoying things about going from Legion where i was fighting demon lords and titans to BFA where i was helping clear fields of quillboars again.

In D&D you generally don’t go from fighting Giants at high level to going back and dealing with Goblins. Players are respected for their accomplishments and renown, It make sense that we would build our own force to deal with threats like the legion and obtain powerful artifacts. You don’t go back to using farmers tools after fighting demons.

What I want to see going forwards is certain NPC’s either getting depowered or killed off. Have the Jailer come after the player and not be so damn concerned with characters like Anduin. Let the players get the Kill on Sylvanas regardless of faction. Tyrande/Voljin can be involved in holding off the Jailers armies while the players deal with it. Have the story focus the player going forwards and us being the focus of the Jailers attention.

lets get the player back in some ingame cinematics so we can see ourselves being awesome.

I see what you are saying here, but I feel that there is a big difference between fighting giants or dragons or what-have-you, and hopping around dimensions to fight super death satan. Personally, I would be happy with some kind of middle ground. Have the story revolve around the wars between rival nations, or storming the dragon’s keep. Not interdimensional world-ending beings.

Initially, it looked like this was the direction that BFA was heading in, and I was admittedly hyped as hell. But instead we got old gods getting blown up by friendship lasers. :upside_down_face:


Oh im the same, I was really looking forward to a good war narrative. Yet what we got really fell short of a compelling story due to the “friendship Lasers” as you put it.


I feel like seeing Anduin as the main protagonist of the franchise is a terrible lens to look at the story through. I agree with 99.99% of the OP though. I think it’s important to see what your race is doing- and they should be doing something every expansion.


I want to say yes, but then I remember that BfA was supposed to be a down-to-earth conflict over those things, and then I’m not sure anymore.


I want no more BfAs, ever.

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Of course.

Though you would have to let me kill several key lore characters to make that happen, as the writers see fit to drag us through their moral dilemmas as plot points at the expense of literally everything else.

i honestly want the next expansion’s story to be like MoP. just us exploring a new landmass without the worry of an overarching threat, a threat that later gradually builds up for the climax.


I had MoP in mind actually and a bit of Cataclysm but without the doom part.

Maybe my character didn’t do everything. Maybe I skipped some sessions. Maybe I screwed up some stuff where I did more harm than good. This is why it’s not convincing me. If everyone is champion then no one really is. And game pretend that each One of my characters were at the same time doing exact same thing. Which is not even true for my gametime as there were periods where I was unsubbed.

so because you unsubbed you don’t want to be important to the story? I hope blizzard don’t take into account when writing that they expect people to unsub.

Im not expecting to characters to be at the forefront of the story and replacing all the NPC’s but I expect that they are the hero’s and champions known for overcoming the enemies. Not just faceless Grunt #5231 who watched thrall fight and kill Garrosh. Or attacked Deathwings toe so thrall could shoot the Kamehameha.

No, I’m saying that each character is supposed to be individual. And the story should be more down to earth so it doesn’t force you to be the main guy And more of adventurer.

My priest doesn’t have exact same involvement as my Monk. And my mage is the daughter of my shaman. They’re Not comparable.