The Stormwind Plague

A darkness plagued Stormwind daily, they came, caused havoc, murder, the Soulshatter put any thoughts of peace into the dirt. Hopelessness settled into most of Stormwinds great “heros” yet even in these dark times, champions arose, Mystic knights, with a drawf from Clan Battlehammer, and a druid of the Ashen Vale, pushed back the Clan. These champions brought new hope to Stormwind, and showed that peace cannot always be achieved by being silent, but rather by showing force, showing that you’re willing to fight back. Though at great loss to both sides, each put up a considerable fight. The darkness will return though… It always does.

(Was a great rp-pvp fight at Stormwind, was better resistance then I expected, thank you guys. I post this as an example of what ED should and could be, rp-pvp but not to an extreme camping level, but rather after both sides taste defeat they can relax and have some good rp. It’s healthier for the community overall and hope to see more of it.)


Great fight and RP!
/salute to you and your guildmates
Thanks for making city defense fun!


Thank you for making it engaging it was quite the fight!


Peace is always the course that we seek, but sometimes even the peaceful must fight! If the Mystic Knights are present, we will rise in defense so that the innocent can sleep peacefully!

Lead with honor and courage - Live with honor and courage!
Commander Ren Stoneheart


The best part was when I jumped in at the start, hit 1, 2 and 3, and wondering where heck my bleeds were… LOLOL
OH! I am resto spec, ok healing time. :joy::rofl::teddy_bear:


I was confused why you weren’t fighting back after the first 2 bolts

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Posting Searthern’s Report on the Skirmish:

Searthern Report. Today with the help of Commander Ren Stoneheart and other Alliance Allies we were able to repel an attack on the human capital of Stormwind. This attack was carried out by a horde insurgent group know as the Soulscatter Clan. Though our goal is to reunite the horde and alliance to face a greater evil. We can not let the peace be a break and are forced to act under the challenging circumstances and was forced to engage The horde forces attacking Stormwind which proves to be a challenging task but a successful one as we stood as one unity as for all and were able to push the insurgent out of Stormwind for now. Lead with Honor and Courage, Live with Honor and Courage Brother as the times ahead will be dark but not impossible to overcome as long as we stand as one.

Notated at the bottom of the report:
Searthern shows great promise. While currently a student in our command he shows great initiative and heart. I am honored that he has chosen to learn our ways


It a honour to service and was a honour to fight a great foe


It was the last day of April. A messenger arrived from Searthern, our newest student, saying that there was a Horde attack on Stormwind and trying to control the tram station. New to the city, it took a few minutes to get my bearings and make my way to the Dwarf conclave.

The sound of battle met me, and it was easy enough to find Searthern attempting to keep an Orc Warlock bottled up. The Orc had help, a priest and a rogue, a daunting combination, but then help arrived, a Dwarf I had seen around Stormwind and a druid of The Ashen Vale.

They continued to confound us for some time running in and out of the tram station, but eventually we were successful at repelling the attack.

I took no pleasure in the fighting: it had to be done to keep the citizens safe. I thanked the Dwarf and gifted him some ale. Gratefully thanked the druid from her time and efforts in keeping us alive, and then a citizen of Stormwind, a retiree, came to us and heaped unnecessary praises upon us.

I made sure that the Stormwind guards were tended to in the area, for the Warlock had been mercilessly attacking them when Searthern had arrived.

When I went back to the tram waiting area, I spied a parchment under the chairs. It might be trash I thought, but then I spied what looked like a partial map with the words “Ridge” and “Friday”.

I finally found someone willing to look at it, and they swear it looks like an area to the East of Stormwind, Redridge Mountains and a pass into the Burning Steppes.

I am heading there now, Searthern on another mission. I have put out the call… I hope I am wrong, but there is a small town of innocents…

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There were more Horde and Orcs than expected from what the locals had told me when I arrived. The intel false and misleading.

We went to the borders of the Burning Steppes and Redridge Mountains and found Vargryn Forgeflux the dwarf chatting with a Blood Elf. Sommer told me later, she thinks he was “hitting on her”. Wrong kind of hit fellow warrior!

I told the Horde to turn back, but they knew they had superior numbers. They attacked swiftly, but we held them for a while at the border, trying to give the townspeople a chance to reach their safety positions in case the Orcs of the area attacked them.

Eventually they split our lines and we fell back to Lakeshire. The old Marshall, Marris his name, warned us that the Horde had gone further East to Stonewatch Keep. We arrived to see even more Horde had joined the fray.

The Dwarf again!?!… Forgeflux had called out to one of the blood elves and was apparently not as happy with this one and knew her from before.

I yelled out for the leader to come forward. The warlock boldly stepped forth, lieutenants at his side. I tried to bluff, stated sternly that more Alliance were on the way and they should depart. But whether they guessed no more came to our aid, or just thought to make swift work of us, they claimed the Keep was now there’s.

I thought I saw the bloodelf attack Forgeflux first, and that was it. Blades and spells sang out and despite our great hearts, we were battered and bruised and had to once again fall back to Lakeshire.

We can see the Horde bonfires rise up over the hills and farms that lie between the town and the keep. They are still there, encamped, and we will need more to join the fray if we are to push them from Alliance territory.

I will stay in the area and do my best to keep them from swarming the town. I hope more will join!

Ren Stoneheart,
Commander of The Mystic Knights


Today’s battle went well, we have pushed back any resistance with minor effort. A handful of alliance stood before us to prevent our push into Redridge, and had the audacity to try to re-take Stonewatch. Though we came out with minimal loses it was resistance none-the-less, and they will warn the rest of the alliance. To that we say let them come, the Horde will have its due in alliance blood. We are to hold and station as many forces here at Stonewatch as possible, I’m having my Clan’s higher-ups keep watch and provide extra tasks for any soldiers that come to join us.

Lok’tar Ogar, for the Soulshatter, for the Horde.

  • Dragrosh Doombringer, Warlord and current Warfront leader
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Too bad my only 120 Alliance is on WrA.

You still can join in on are rp wpvp us you want on you 120 as all you need is to be invite to a group and get pull over to are sever