The stigma against twinking never warranted this

See, this reply is a perfect example of how you don’t know what you’re talking about. There have been COUNTLESS posts by twinks with solutions for bridging the gap, and instead of adding input, players like you split the communities more. You keep referring to twinks as wanting to ruin the fun for others, when in reality there have been more twinks reach out with solutions to gear. While anti-twinks, like yourself, see a post by a twink and try to make the problem worse.

Just for the record, I (just like most twinks) have been on both sides of the BG.


99% of the twinks I’ve encountered, in BGs on the receiving end, in BGs on my team and in guilds I’ve been a part of, thought it was hysterical and enjoyed it immensely.

Because while there may actually be a few of them that feel this way, the vast majority are in it so they can beat their chests and brag about the size of their epeen after they kill a bunch of nontwinks solo. I’ve never, in the history of playing the game, experienced someone twinking that didn’t take full advantage of the power disparity to repeatedly wasting and subsequently farming nontwinks. In fact, I’d be willing to put money on the fact that in any given game you’ll see them camping graveyards to rack up kills rather than try to quickly finish a game. Because the former I’ve seen over and over and over again and I’ve never seen the latter. Ever.

You don’t like what I’m saying because the truth hurts. That doesn’t mean I don’t know what I’m talking about. Even then, whether you think that’s the case or not isn’t relevant. You’re just a salty twink on the forums crying about not having fodder to pummel into a bloody pulp. There is no solution which is required other than the solution we have. And that is to keep twinks out of the queues with people who aren’t twinks. That’s the solution I want. That’s the solution we have. Enjoy your queue time!


They could of solved everyone’s Problem and removed BGs completely.
That’ll Show those Miserable Twinks!

But this doesn’t “keep twinks out of the queues with people who aren’t twinks.”
It just punishes people who choose to play differently from you.

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Yes it does. Go ahead. Turn on your xp gain. Win a handful of games and suddenly you’re at the bottom of the next bracket. Be my guest.

You just Proved my point.

You’re not debating from a reasonable or rational stance.
You just hate twinks and want to punish them for playing the game they want to.
Even when it doesn’t effect you in the slightest.

Well then you haven’t played with the right twinks. None of the people I queue with or have queued with enjoy steamrolling levelers in bgs. We do however enjoy steamrolling other twinks. Do not let a small number of people represent the whole community.

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Shouldn’t you guys try and twink history shame some people and if they don’t show they that they have a twink, tell them they should not comment on the subject? Try that.

It is the only way to silence the oppositions opinion.

It’s not a small number of people. At all. Maybe in your community it’s a small number but of twinks taken on the whole, it’s most of them. Your community is the outlier here. The fact that twink-only queues have been so bad for so long is proof enough.

It’s not just the community that I’m in now, but even when I twinked in Cata, WoD, MoP, last xpac and this one, a lot of the people that I played with preferred to get into games with other twinks. I actually like twinking a lot more this xpac than others because it seems more balanced. You can’t exactly one shot other twinks like you could in previous xpacs. Sorry, tangent for a second lol. But what I’m getting at is that you haven’t played with enough twinks. There are tens of thousands of people who twink, and I’m sorry that you’ve played with the bad ones.

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If that was true you would be churning though games at your leisure and queues wouldn’t be abysmal. If there actually were tens of thousands and those tens of thousands actually wanted to play against other twinks, even .5% of them online at any given time would result in constant games running with minimal queues.


Translation: I want more easy (could not cypher) because people outside Orgrimmar will not duel me.

Damn, my brain hurts.


On the nose.


Is twinking a thing now? I remember back between 2007 - 2011 that it was fun and that not everyone was doing it or could do it. At first I couldn’t do it but then after a while I was doing it and it was rather fun. Not to mention that classes felt better back then also and not the 3 - 5 button rotation we have today.

Now with the heirlooms nerfed so much that some low level blues can compete with them and epics are about the same as or better I don’t see there being that big a gap between twinks and non-twinks. I would say queue everyone together now.

Granted,I didn’t read everything,but I don’t see where anyone bothered to submit a ticket and get an answer back before running to the forums to complain?

Well my solution would be matchmaking. Options to play battlegrounds with different exclusion options: Exclude none (so that means everybody can join), exclude those with exp off (twinks), heirlooms or both, or Twink V Twink. and for each option, theirs different rewards to depending on level of exclusion, such as excluding none will grant you a better amount of XP and gear then excluding twinks or heirlooms.

While i never felt bad with twinks, considering in my experienced, they want to feel superior to lower ranked players or lower ilevel players, or players who simply just passing by and didn’t spent any money on low level battlegrounds… and still not going to feel bad for them… I would at least agree this is another Problem that could be taken in different directions and might have the best or decent enough solution, but instead just put in at best a band-aid solution in place of a better one. Just like they did with the Auction house one unit stacking problem, just creates more problems then it fixes and only benefits a few imo.

it’s intended. there was a dev post on their twitter about it.

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The change is intented.

Good luck facing twinks vs twinks AS INTENTED.