The stigma against twinking never warranted this

please, I can make a twitter account in 2-3 mins and claim alot of bad things and count it as “alot of backlash” it’s people from that 3rd party website spaming it someone prob made a thread there or their “discord” to go and flame there… nothing unexpected. :roll_eyes:

Even lowballing, your 600 person community is a small drop in a bucket for the (low-estimate) 2 million community of players. You are 0.03% of the population. the other 99.97% either does not care or supports the change.

Does that really excuse the mistreatment of marginalized people? I don’t think so.

Those people aren’t just going to be okay with the change because they’re the minority. It’s the same as in real life.

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Not trying to be snarky though it will come out that way, but how is that different than the time you spent twinking a 119?

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what specifically makes you not want to pvp at 120? is it having to constantly gear? because you still do have to constantly gear when blizz changes stats on gear all the time even as a twink. i’m trying to understand. “community” is not a good reason as you can be level 10 to level 120 and join a pvp community and play against other players. though most will be at cap.

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There really are that many, or more twinks that exist. The problem is they’re all split between all the brackets so we’re spread too thin to get matches in our individual brackets.

Thats… 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, 80-89, 90-99, 100-109, and 110-119

Please try to understand we’re upset BECAUSE this change effectively ruins queues for us. You might find it hard to believe that there are a lot of us, that can only queue with small portions of the entire community, but that’s just how it is now.

I don’t think people realize that on patch day, most twinks were online, trying to queue. That was the best chance any of us had to get games, and IF the queue separation worked as they say it does, YES we should have had games. We didn’t. And it sure as hell won’t be any better in the future.

I’m not reading every post. But so many people seem to have never done a random leveling BG. It’s not hard to keep up with twinks. I leveled my LFD and DID since 8.0 started. I just threw Elemental Force enchants on my weapons, Mark of the Hidden Satyr on my neck. Then just queued for BGs. From 1-60 I just replaced non heirloom gear with random greens from the AH every 5 or so levels. If you don’t want perfect level “X9” gear you can find stuff for less than 50g. Belt and Boots I just replaced with the AB stuff every level that ended in 8.

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Oh god, the twink posts don’t seem to end today.

Listen, it comes down to the most basic elemental thing:
Developers should not and cannot maintain and promote old content.

What do I mean? The content is there for you, enjoy as you wish, but with the understanding that it is OLD content. Therefore, no updates, no balancing, no exclusions should be taken. Because every second that happens, its time not being put into NEW content.

If twinks get their own Rated BGs that means maintenance, then balance, then considerations towards broken items. Prizes, leaderboards. Etc. Etc. Etc. For content that is OUTDATED.

If or when the day comes where no more patches are released, then old content can be looked at. Until then, the priority is NEW CONTENT. If YOU choose to stay behind, that is fine. But pay the price of changes that will affect you because you are not meant to stay in that old content forever.

The courtesy to give you the stop XP in the first place was enough to let you “play the game” the way you want. If you cannot queue for the brackets, that is on your community (if there ever was one) not on the devs. or other palyers that choose to not do twinks.

This is the SAME SORRY argument that all the crybabies had when Cataclysm was going to launch and effectively erased the old maps. EVERYONE who was stuck in the past demanded they keep the old maps accessible. Progress to the new content or wait for Classic to release this summer. Go and live in the past then, I bet all my gold, half of the twinks won’t dare go there and get decimated by even leveled players.

Twink salt is the best kind of salt. :+1:

Glad the BfA team did something right for a change.


It takes ~220 people to have enough players to do a 10v10 in 11 distinct brackets. If you had anywhere near the numbers you talk about you would be rolling in games. Or at least some brackets would even if others wouldn’t because they were unpopular brackets to play in. That’s presuming that not even 1.5% of the “tens of thousands” of twink players logged in if we use the minimum value there based upon the plurality of the claim (20k). That didn’t happen.

But again, I understand you don’t have queues. I think twinking ruins queues for nontwinks. The solution isn’t to force nontwinks to be fodder for twinks. Which leads me back to the previous point. If you had the numbers you claim you have you wouldn’t have any problems filling games. There’s no solution that pleases everyone and I don’t think it’s fair (and clearly Blizzard doesn’t either) to force the vast majority of people to be fish food for twinks.


You’re right. Clearly you know better than I. All of that testing we all did for 12 hrs+ in queue, entire communities waiting patiently online, in every bracket, all beaten by your assumptive logic.

I guess I will hop into this BG then

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at this point I don’t bother anymore, the answer is clearly “the numbers are spread all over the other brackets in the game” as long everything that they do justifies the good in things it’s shinny and gold.

you keep skipping my questions and it hurts my feelings. D:

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Assumptive logic? It’s simple mathematics using alleged numbers. If queues didn’t pop for you there are two possible reasons why. 1.) The numbers presented aren’t legitimate. 2.) There was a problem with queueing. It certainly could have been the latter, and based on some questions from blues about 120 queues there might have been something funky going on but they didn’t say for certain.

If the numbers given are legitimate though, why were the complaints not about fixing a broken queue and instead were about getting removed from the queue with xp on people? Because clearly if those numbers are accurate you guys have enough numbers to play games all on your own.


Sad to see the twink community being beat down again because Blizz is throwing a tantrum that people are not doing BFA content.

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Yeah they don’t have to promote old content. But nerfing old content to the ground isn’t a solution either.

True, but the bulk of Blizzard’s revenue also comes from a fraction of players. We had sizable influx of former Alliance players just before this patch, including people who moved several characters at once. Even with the sale, it’s a few hundred dollars worth of transfers, at least - and from players who are far more likely to use these services than your average sub. Needless to say, they feel pretty ripped off seeing as this information wasn’t in the patch notes.

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what? clearly you’re having some sort of high adrenaline or something, I was indeed supporting you…

It hasn’t been nerfed. At all. This separation of twinks has existed for years now.

Short answer is no.

Long answer is no.