The status of lordaeron

I doubt the alliance will allow them to get even close to lordaeron, even though it might actually belong to them. It is very likely that the majority of the forsaken used to live in lordaeron before the scourge invaded. The alliance has yet to realize that if they had just let the forsaken into the alliance in the first place, they would never have had to attack lordaeron in the first place.

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  1. Anduin returns Undercity/Lordaeron City and Tirisfal to the Forsaken via Calia
  2. Maldraxxus House of Plagues will help in cleaning the Undercity and half of Tirisfal of Blight.
  3. Maybe the top part of Undercity will get a revamp and architecture like Brill/etc (the aesthetic introduced in Cata) will be put in the ruins and elevators or teleport pads introduced between top and bottom.

Did they… not already have it back? At least the parts not held by the Argents? The Alliance was pushed out of Tirisfal and presumably all the way back to Arathi.

Their grip on the zones was pretty much self-assured before the War started.


Stormwind did for an entire expansion so, why not?

We will just have to see if they do rebuild Lordaeron or if is going to be another Gilneas and Gnomeregan type of situation where they give the Forsaken an “IOU one Lordaeron at some point” card.


Personally, I’d prefer the Forsaken to take Stratholme as a new capital. Get the fires out, clear the debris, and remake it using the modern Forsaken architecture. They’ll have access to a port, they’ll be MUCH closer to their allies in Quel’thalas in case the Alliance gets frisky, and they’ll no longer be living in the sewers. Instead of metaphorically hiding they’ll be taking their place in the open.

Or they can get Undercity back and everything will go back to how it always was. That’s my main fear, same with the night elves and Teldrassil (though I 100% doubt that’ll happen).



*looks at Ardenweald and their magical trees tied to the forest’s power levels *

*looks at Maldraxxus and their House of Plagues specializing in making and thus neutralizing toxins *

*looks at how 9.0 questlines are already centered on Tyrande/Night Elf Angst, and we have TWO YEARS left of Blizzard Quality Writing™ *

Oh it’s coming


Your Undercity prediction has merit but the Teldrassil one is not happening. They’re not going to resurrect thousands upon thousands of night elves, then somehow resurrect a burned down World Tree. Ardenweald itself is withering away due to it being hit hardest by the anima drought. Several groves have already been lost. I can’t even imagine how much anima they’d need to pull off what you’re proposing they’re going to do re: night elves and Teldrassil.

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While my gut says the writing team will probably find someway to give it back to them (i.e. the plague is too strong for humans to return), I’d like to see the alliance keep it and rebuild. Seems pointless to attack and “win” it only to return to the exact group you were fighting. Not saying the undead should remain homeless, but should start somewhere new.

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Sure, why not. The Alliance won every single engagement in all of BFA anyway. Why not let them win and keep the forsaken homeland, too?


We all know it’s going to sit there rotting until someone decides to make dungeon out of it.

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Fundamentally, the Forsaken (and the NES) need a new capital. Just undoing what was done in BfA renders it even more pointless than it already was. So I don’t think that they will do that.

I like the idea of a flying Necropolis. Turning Strathome into a proper capital is also good.

My own personal favorite idea is a giant Forsaken castle in the Alterac Mountains.


Lilian’s main point that she mentions early in Shadows Rising is that Orgrimmar is literally not a good climate for the Forsaken in terms of weather and humidity levels. She says the Forsaken prefer cool and damp conditions, which doesn’t really fit the climate in the other major Horde territories, so they’ll need somewhere to go eventually.

I wouldn’t mind seeing them reclaim the ruins of Lordaeron and Undercity, but I also really like the idea that others have suggested of finally retaking Stratholme. It’s in a good strategic position due to being a port city, and its closer position to Quel’Thalas would be good for the defense of both. There’s also some good symbolism to be had in the Forsaken reclaiming the site of Arthas’ first major step towards becoming the Lich King. We could even have Calia be involved as a foil to her brother’s actions, and if desired have Alonsus Faol take part since he’s got strong ties to the city. Put the fires out, clear out any remaining Scourge influence, properly memorialize the dead, and figuratively spit on Arthas’ legacy by turning it into a vibrant city of Forsaken doing their best to enjoy their (un)lives. Keep the gothic aesthetic, but let the Forsaken move beyond Arthas’ deeds and Sylvanas’ whims.


I agree with this. My personal hope is the Forsaken settle in Stratholme (strategically makes sense and puts them closer to their Blood Elf allies) and the Night Elves settle on Mount Hyjal. It opens up the opportunity for refreshing new stories and settings.

If we just rebuild the same cities we lost at the start of BFA that’s going to be really boring and bland to me. I’d prefer a fresh start for both of them in new areas.

I like the idea of Tirisfal/Lordaeron being a No man’s land OR potentially becoming the stronghold of the New Scarlet Brotherhood and they become a new 3rd party threat to the region.

Another Third Party enemy works too but with the way the stories going i could see the Scarlets making sense.


Certainly a lot of power.

Imagine that.

If only a main character had become a vessel for some ridiculous power, say like the Shadow Angry face of Elune

And that this absurd amount of power were already shown to be magically tied with Ardenweald, kinda how all the Night Warriors end up in Ardenweald.

If only there was also a plot device that implied this hypothetical magical super power of a goddess inherently tied to Ardenweald could also be shared among various peoples and thus also empower them… Huh


Lol cmon now, think about how Blizz writes stories.

…what about the smog clouds of blight?

I actually really like this idea.

The Scarlet Crusade has kind of become a joke with how much we constantly beat them “for real this time”, but if they were to do something major like take the Ruins of Lordaeron for themselves, that would be a really refreshing thing for their story. It would also give the Forsaken a major antagonist to focus on again as they work from Stratholme to take back Undercity from the Scarlets. They’ve needed a racial antagonist to focus on since Arthas died.

Red dragon fire can burn it away (they did at Wrathgate) so we just ask one to do that to the city. There’s plenty of dragons on friendly terms with us now, for better or worse the days of them being distant overseer guardians is long gone.


Nah Undercity belongs to the Forsaken, updating Stratholme is too much resources, and have the House of Plagues fix it up

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Well, naturally, the living who believe it belongs to them by birthright are going to say “this belongs to us”, which would lead the dead to say “well, we were here when we were alive and when we were still here after the fact.”.

It is, most assuredly, going to lead to an armed conflict once the blight settles and neither Calia “disaster” Menethil or Lilian “Hamfisted back into the Forsaken story” Voss is going to be able to fix that.

I think the conflict would favor the Forsaken though. There is no way that place is remotely inhabitable for the living. All food and water would have to be imported, and even if the Alliance managed to take the Fortress first, holding it against an enemy that does not eat, sleep or even make use of human sort of makes the siege a disaster simply because of its nature- “outlast those who occupy it within”.

Stratholme is also not an option to return to, given that there is deadass a curse on it that makes it forever burn, and that the dead still rise and roam the Plaguelands.


Could also just get Derek to ask Jaina to get rid of it, again.