The state of the game in one picture

If carries is why it’s dead to you then it’s probably a learn to play issue.

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The state of the game in one picture

https : // i .

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The companies plaguing this game with their advertisements are disgusting. Ban Huokan.


I’m just gonna go ahead and be “that person” and say that all carry services should be against ToS w/ bans (and maybe litigation) for both those who offer them and those who purchase them – regardless of the payment method.

This behavior needs to be punished severely enough as to discourage it from ever taking root in this game again.

Raise the quality of player in this game. Play it yourself instead of relying on pocketbooks (either virtual or IRL) to do the work for you.


But it’s not. Even then if it was it wouldn’t change anything.

This has been around since BC at the latest.

I’d rather the game not get dumbed down to their level again.

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The only way this would ever be done is if there was a industry wide push for this. Carry/boosting/other third party services are not exclusive to WoW, or just Blizzard games.

Personally these things don’t affect me however it is annoying to see. But don’t hold your breath for any kind of change in this regard.

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I’m gonna go ahead and guess no :laughing:

Still suggest investing in an ad blocking addon :+1:

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I was part of the problem in the carry group for Diablo 2. Not happy to admit i bought several uber diablos. I’ve done my best to just be left out of end game content in WoW. However, RIO does show me a ton of people who have ran one mythic +20 or similar. There’s no record of previous attempts; it’s just a one and done.

Diablo 3 used, (it’s been a hot minute; it may not be true anymore) to have this feature where you couldn’t join a certain rift without having completed the previous one and gotten that key upgrade. everyone had to have that key. All 5 players (or 4 in diablo Rift) had to have that +20 key so to speak as soul bound.

Think of it like Torghast layer joining. It wouldn’t stop carries in mythic plus, but it would slow them down. Group vs. individual assessment isn’t exactly ideal in this form of end game content. Obviously high end guilds demand great individual performance and no one gets carried just to be carried unless it’s to get them in a tier. They are already great at the game but alas ye olde ilvl or attunement gates are in the way.

This is by far one of the worst ideas I have heard.


I’m not a big fan of carry spam or people feeling like they need to buy carries to be “competitive”, whatever that means, but that level of investment in what other people do in the game isn’t healthy, man.

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I don’t really care about carries one way or the other. If people want to do them, go for it as I don’t see a downside to it except for one thing.
It crowds out conversation. Wasn’t just carries either, other ads crowd out convo so I’d be happy if they just added a separate chat box for just carries and ads.
That way, if someone wants to do that they know where to go and it’ll be just for that.

That would take a police state to enforce and would likely result in more false bans than any meaningful action against carries.

If the game was still fun for enough players there would be more random peeps than Huokan guildmembers. I’d love to believe that it’s empty because the true players are out slaying dragons, but there should be people in town too. The fun has had a wet blanket thrown over it by overly-complex and highly interdependent systems.

I don’t get the hate for carries - companies like this benefit those geared/skilled enough to carry. And it stream lines the process, I made a good few hundred k in s1 carrying through huokan and boosted buddies.

It benefits those who want to gear fast and have expendable gold.

It doesn’t effect those who want to pug content, I did ksm 2 times in s1 and aotc via LFG. And again ksm 2 times in s2 with LFG with a 5 month break.

They only way these carrying services effect the player who don’t want to carry or buy carry’s is the constant /2 spam which I’ll admit is annoying for sure

Id just post a can of rotton spam and mini robots.

Thats been SL since the start. Bots farming all leather and old zone boomy Congo lines…now boosters.

Odd how it seems worse since multiboxing was banned. Least the 3rd party stuff or what not.

But yeah not seen it in excess like this since late wrath.


I’ve often wondered what people think the result of something incredibly stupid like banning boosting would be. Because all I see happening is that the people who are selling those boosts would have even less reason to play after they “finish” the tier.

And to suggest litigation because people are running others through dungeons for gold? You’ve completely lost the plot.

there is one sitting on the same spot in my bank with same guild name except for the realm
looked up the guild 182 members formed 2021 ALL lvl 1 or 10 zero achievements
why is it so difficult to remove ?

Trying to encapsulate the entire game in a single picture is pretty stupid and depending on your bias, you can try to frame it in a bunch of different ways. Quit whining and acting like people selling gold or carries is something new. Quit acting like it is blizzards job to do something about this and try spending your time convincing your fellow players to not to use these services and only then will you see less of them. As long as there is a demand, someone will always be willing to supply.

I really don’t understand the issue. If people want to get boosted/carried rather than do the grind who cares? They pay to have fun and that’s their decision. Its not for me but I just ignore all that kind of stuff.