The state of hunters

How the f*** is having 10k hp while literally ONE SHOTTING every other class fair??? Wtf?? No wonder this trash tier game is losing players… and FAST.


It is pretty easy to one shot level 22 warlocks at level 60.


sounds like a skill issue, instead of asking for nerfs; why not ask for buffs for your own class you dolt.


The issue is that some abilites like Kill Shot crits for 2800-3200 on leather/cloth. No ability in SoD should be doing that much instant damage. When I play on my Hunter I tab to the first cloth I see cause I know if I get 2 crits he is dead, and with almost 40% crit chance that happens more often than it should. That’s just bad gameplay


Maybe you shouldn’t be standing in range of the hunter in a team fight…

No one has this unless they are in full PvE gear trinkets included with buffs/consumes. I am wearing 4 piece of t 2.5 with crit on almost every piece of gear and I have 29%

It’s not bad gameplay it’s called rock paper scissors. Classes have bad matchups. And hunter is the answer to clothies just like casters are the answer to tanky classes.

Fight a good team and tell me how easy it is to get in range to 2 shot the priest healers in the back as a hunter when you can die in 1 rng/intercept stun.

I get crit for 1500 autoshot in plate AQ gear. My autoattacks crit around 300 damage as fury and about 700 as arms 2h. Raptor strike hits me harder than my 2h hits them. I target hunters attacking our casters in BGs and hunters can just facetank me until they kill 1-2 casters and then they pop all defensives. It’s actually a broken class. Whats the point of stacking 500 strength 1500 ap and bis weapons…

Sure ya do bud.

You can disarm hunters.

So no one but you is attacking the hunter? The hunter has pocket heals? The casters are just standing there dying and not trying to pull the hunter further into their team? Or trying to LOS the hunter? Can the casters not outrun a RP walking hunter with hamstring on them?

ALL defensives? You mean the 1 5 min cd defensive we have?

It’s actually not, it’s a strong class and its REALLY strong against BUMs


you are 100% right, and hunters are totally broken

its insane seeing them now defend tier 2.5 allowing them to obliterate everyone in a couple globals at range while also being so tanky lol

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If you are wearing 4 piece you are not that tanky… Anyone? Yeah my 1000 kill shot crits into shamans are really gonna 2 shot them… You don’t even have PvP gear no wonder you feel so squishy.

What do you purpose? Should hunter’s just not be allowed to do damage? The only thing they do? We already do no damage when we don’t crit.

Do the complaints against hunters ever stop? Or is it just a coincidence.

I quit in phase 1, while everyone was whining about hunters doing too much damage and they kept getting nerfed.

I came back shortly before the rune broker came out and just see a bunch more hunter complaints.

I have no clue about the current state first hand as I’m not at cap, but are hunters hard to balance or do people just disproportionately hate them?

So the thing with hunters is they do BIG DAM when they crit. And they do even LARGER DAM to squishy classes.
They are probably the best class in the game vs bad players.
Bad players tend to cry the most.
Most of the WHINER BABIES do not even have full PvP gear but complain they die too quickly.
When they get hit by a large crit from a hunter it gets seared into their mind and it becomes the norm.

Like one time I crit a guy for 5k with a kill shot. The dude had 0 gear and was a mage. I had a rapid killing buff(+20% dam after kb) and a berserking buff(+30% dam) + full raid buffs. But if you ever ask that guy he will say hunters are spamming out 5k kill shots every globe with no deviations.

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no , but like hunters are the “anti clothies” , tanks (including tank shaman) are the “anti melee and physical damage” .

are hunters broken every time rapid fire is up with ks spam?

ya kinda . thats probably the reason they deactivated the 2.5 set bonus or whatever (mind you im not paying attention to their actual bonuses so i dont fully know but i can look it up if needed).

being able to blow up nearly everyone other than full tank setups in 4 instant ks is a bit busted and doesnt really have a great counter.

but bleh ive been saying hunters have been top 1-3 the whole of sod , so none of this is completely new to me.

maybe there would be a counter point if they hadnt deactivated the set bonus prior to it getting too bad but clearly they saw the need to do so so something is a bit out of bounds .

heh look at this bum crying about a seasonal server thats over in 5 months. Prob upset he cant clear AQ as well. Meanwhile I dropped Anchor(on my dads yacht for you bums that dont know already) with my boy GSK down in the mediterranean about to make a crumbl run and replenish our stock of hand rolled cigars and special importated wine from the vinyards of Bodegas de los Herederos del Marqués de Riscal. Best of luck to ya bum cant wait to watch you GY run and laugh.

you sound bitter. and i love it. cry for me some more.

It’s only 2 here in the forum that defends tier 2.5 for Hunters, don’t mind them. They hang out in the forums more than they play

What really is broken is Kill Shot, even though they cannot use Kill Shot machine gun anymore they can still LnL + KS + zg trinket = 5+ instant cast Kill Shots in a row from 0-41 yards. Hardest hitting ability in the game together with Starfire. Far from balanced

You gotta seriously be missing chromosomes to think killshot is the problem here; try wearing some pvp gear bud. There’s several classes that are far more OP than Hunter.

Also who is “defending” 2.5? I haven’t seen anyone defend it here. No one thought it was a good idea, which is why every Hunter in the discord complained about it during the PTR but these devs are incredibly incompetent.

It amazes me that the people who complain about Hunters have enough IQ to post on the forums about it to be honest.

Nobody is getting 1 shot with 10k HP, lmao.

And I generally don’t have much of a problem with hunters, I win most of those 1v1s.

Hunters in here telling everyone else to wear pvp gear while they have as much health as a tank shaman while wearing full pve gear



naw but what if youre able to stack multiple ks and other shots all in a very short timeframe?

it may not be a “1 shot” technically but it is a global or 2.

so i mean good point?

or maybe not.

is a good point though.


It has literally already been nerfed…

Yeah not vs armor…

No one using 2.5 is using lnl… You don’t even know what you are talking about yet you wanna cry about it… and you need 2 lnl + trinket if you want 5 in a row which is 2 extra globals. You can get 5 in a row with rapid fire but that is a CD and can also be dispelled and requires rapid killing.