The Stable Master: Garn-Tooth Necklace

Stable lvl 3. Stand in the opening, facing the inside of the stable. On the left side, look over the rail. The claw and the necklace should be on the ground. WoWhead for a pic.

Yes, you can get this from a friend's lvl 3 stable.

I could not get the extra whistles till i was done with all the training.

The extra whistles come from "Tormak the Scarred". When you have the necklace, get all six whistles. You get 3 charges per whistle. The new training mounts will die quicker. You can heal them. BM Hunters .... they do act like your pet, you can use mend pet and bestial wrath.

The necklace is ... Damage taken increased by 50%. Movement speed reduced by 50%.

You must beat each Nagrand training boss 6 times (1 time for each mount ). I suggest you track the achievement. I had 1 mount bug and had to do it a second time. You will have to go back to get new whistles. I also had 1 kill prior to getting the necklace, I think this is a bug.

36 fights ... a few hours ... complete.

The title and mounts are auto put on your account. No bells to let you know. The title comes up "Stable Master" in your title book, and the mounts just appeared in my collection.
Thank you for your post Tyreyne! I, too, did the exact same thing you did. If it wasn't for your post I wouldn't have thought.....hey maybe my stables hasn't been upgraded yet! Thanks again :)
Its still bugged for me. It says i have 5 out of 6 kills but i went back and did it again on all the mounts 2 more times.
You are welcome, Calvaria, glad it helped!
12/14/2014 01:31 PMPosted by Tyreyne
I am going to edit and add this in case anyone has the same noob moment I did. Put a duncecap on my ton's avatar, that's how I felt when this issue got solved. I have a level 3 garrison and had purchased and learned the plans for the level 3 stables. However, I hadn't actually gone to my architect's table and put the process in motion! My stables technically then were level 2. I hope this helps anyone else out who has a noobtimers moment like I did. I got the necklace once the stables upgraded.

Ah, well... I just figured out my problem. Thanks? Thanks.
Also to clarify, the necklace does not just appear. You get a quest from Sage Paluna and once you complete that (by talking to her) the necklace will appear in its spot in your stables. Check your open quests to ensure it is not sitting there!
The Stables achievements are just down right glitched. I've done Beast-Lasher on EVERY training mount 5 times, so 5 times the 6 mounts is 30. My achievement tracking for BOTH stables achievements still reads 5/6 complete. I've tried destroying/picking up new whistles and achievement items.

Anyone know how to circumvent this glitch?
I have the necklace and I get a whistle, now what?
There is no indication as to what boss I need to kill.
It works without the mounts in trainig you just need to have the necklace on you and then go kill the list of the creature
You have to speak with Keegan Firebeard, the heavily armored dwarf stablemaster to take training mounts out when you have acquired the necklace, have level three stables, and have already gotten all of your mounts from your daily quests.
Ok I was quite lost on this Achievement also.
First capture and train all the mounts and get Master of Mounts and Advanced Husbandry.
Master of Mounts unlocks level 3 Blue prints for the stables.
Once the building is complete the necklace will appear in your stable mine was right next to the main opening on the ground.
Next a quest will pop up turn it in. keep the garn tooth necklace in your bags.
Now you need to talk to Keegan Firebeard in your stables he has the whistles. The whistles last one day and are 3 charges.
Now go and kill the quest items while riding each mount
Wow thanks Tyreyne, I'm late to the game but finally decided to work on my mounts and experienced the same problem like yours. Your solution of checking my plans and upgrade to my stables helped a great deal. It worked.

Just talk to Tormak the Scarred. He's in the Stables. He has seven options. The bottom six all give you the whistles you need. (This is the option if you got the first six mounts and the Achievement for collecting them before you upgraded to Stables level 3 and the quests are no longer there.) Upgrade to the Stables to level three and pick up the necklace. Then you can get your Armored Frostwolf. (He does not have a quest symbol over his head at this point.) The mounts time out and you can only carry three charges of each at a time. GL.


(It is under Garrison Mounts. At the bottom of that section. You need to open it. It is called "Nagrand Targets Map.")

Remember the necklace. The achievement you can track is called "The Stable Master." Took 2 hours very casual. You can probably grind it out in 1 hour.
this does not make any sense to me lol! to purchase the stables lvl 3 blueprints, you must have the "Stable Master" achievement. You have to have Stables lvl 3 to loot the Garn tooth Necklace. But you need the Garn tooth necklace in order to get the "Stable Master" achievement. Im so confused
You don't need The Stable Master to buy Stables level 3, you only need Master of Mounts. Read Adraste's post above:

11/12/2016 03:39 PMPosted by Adraste
Ok I was quite lost on this Achievement also.
First capture and train all the mounts and get Master of Mounts and Advanced Husbandry.
Master of Mounts unlocks level 3 Blue prints for the stables.
Once the building is complete the necklace will appear in your stable mine was right next to the main opening on the ground.
Next a quest will pop up turn it in. keep the garn tooth necklace in your bags.
Now you need to talk to Keegan Firebeard in your stables he has the whistles. The whistles last one day and are 3 charges.
Now go and kill the quest items while riding each mount