The Solution to PvP Gearing

I have read your points and disagree wholeheartedly.

You see, people have got it done. So it is doable, but you don’t want to do the work let’s be fair here.

You want a catch up when the first season isn’t even over, when they gave you 2 different gear vendors too.

Those people who roflstomp you? They put in the time, now you want the same while doing nothing… Seems so fair! :rofl:

Entitlement, learn the word.

Difference in opinions. I personally think it was a fantastic system. I suppose I am old school where “looting for offspec” was common and actually needed. To me it is normal that a hard core PvPer, who’d want to start PvEing would need to build their way up in PvE, just like a PvE’er who’d want to PvP should have to grow in this activity, rather than skip queue. Rhetorically speaking.

one spec out of how many, for this season? next season? last expansion? because they’re always changing.

Bringing something like resilience back. Why divorce the PvP and PvE players? Why have gear that is only viable in one aspect of this game.

This is the first expansion where I enjoyed doing both PvP and PvE because of the PvP gearing system. Without it, I would only be doing a fraction of the content of this game.

So instead of destroying our great PvP gearing sytem, we should improve the PvE gearing system so that PvE players can enjoy character progression that isn’t gated by bad RNG.

That is how the WoD playerbase would prefer it. When most players quit, yolo bg heros can farm alt players and not have to worry about arena players or raid loggers.

And gear can change with every season. Let’s take for example, just assume versatility is the best stat for every spec in the game.

Then they can just add versatility to the PvE gear that is purchasable with the PvE conquest points. Simple as that.

Divorcing the gear as plenty pointed out would be the only way resilience comes back. It has 0 purpose in PvE and you know that.

This gear should only be wearable in PvP then if you want it back. But you don’t seem to want that right?

I’m pretty sure you misunderstood what I was saying.

I was pointing out resilience was terrible for this game because it divorced the PvP and PvE aspects of this game.

I’m a filthy casual, gear is the least of my concern. But if you were talking about mount drop rate then ooooooooooh boy, I have so much to say about that, and all of it would definitely get me banned.

this aspect of the game focuses on players skill in relation to other players skill, minimizing imbalance through gear is the best way to return to that focus.

are you talking about a ilvl wide increase to a specific stat or just for that one class? ie. rogue decrease in haste, dk increase in mastery across the board? im not sure what you’re talking about on this one.

PvP gear imbalance between players is a completely separate thing that should be addressed in a separate topic. This post is about fixing the PvE gearing system since it’s awful.

As for your other point, I’m saying that if versatility happens to be the best secondary stat, then they can just put lots of versatility on the PvE gear instead of Mastery or some other less optimal secondary stat. Maybe even offer the same items for both PvP and PvE. The whole point of this post was to offer a better gearing system for PvE players so they don’t have to feel compelled to PvP to progress since their character progression is being gated by RNG.

this is nearly the exact model for templates

The point of this topic was to offer a better gearing system for PvE players.

Not to dismantle the PvP gearing system.

I don’t know how many times I have to mention this.

People did not like PvP templates. These should not come back. Personally, I hated how inconsistent my stats were between PvP and PvE.

maybe choose a more suitable topic name?

The topic name is suitable considering Blizzard is looking to change the PvP gearing system because it is a great system.

Instead of changing the PvP gearing system, they should change the PvE gearing system.

It’s pretty simple really.

so opposite, got it. #deep

Not my fault you have a hard time reading and understanding.

False. If versa is your best stat PvP gear can be absolute BIS. Versa is not PvP Power or even Resilience which had fringe PvE applications - Versa is a full-blown highly usable stat.

PvP gear needs a nerf to make it less relevant to PvE, there’s no way around it. This solution of PvP ilvl scaling allows PvP gear to still be good without having to obliterate its existence completely.

Guardian druid.

I guess the “problem” is that the PvEers with the best gear need even more of the best stuff so they can go back to the BfA “The team with the best PvE gear always wins” system. Why not just eliminate PvP entirely and automatically assign the victory to the team that has been preordained to win?

People who didn’t actually play during resilience, and pvp templates, keep falling for the meme that those were great times for PvP. But they never stop and wonder why those systems were put in the dumpster where they belong.

Both nearly killed PvP participation, and were deleted as a result. They are only entertaining bringing them back, because people are gearing too fast for their taste, they want to drag out the loot treadmill. But they can’t very well break the new gearing system, because people LOVE the current PvP gearing. Outside a few people who don’t do rated content.

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