The solution for delves

I have seen this come up a few times.
What is the Mage Tower?

Cool, let’s add raids to M+ so people can half AFK for the best gear in the game. I mean it’s an MMO, so what’s the problem?

It was added in Legion for Skill wizards.

youtube prolly has some videos up. Legion:Mage Tower

I can clear up to tier 9 delve on 3 different class at around 590 item level and I never cleared a Mythic Boss in any expansion in my whole WoW career and I struggle in Mythic 0’s mechanic… so you either “git gud” or stop spreading lies about delve becoming any form of mythic content

Or rather, it was a number of spec-specific challenges that were initially near-impossible for some classes without certain RNG-granted legendaries that people could sneeze at and one-shot later by outgearing it.

They have always been announced as 1 to 5 player content, that said. I do think the focus should be on solo players but I am biased as I am a solo player. I do however hope if they do shift the focus to even smaller numbers capable of joining they don’t go lower then a cap of 2. I feel like taking an activity away that people can do together in small more intimate groups would be a sad day in warcraft.

It’s a collection of high-difficulty solo challenges aimed at different classes/roles in Legion (the name came a “mage tower” building on the Broken Shore would become active every few days offering a portal to the scenario relevant to one’s class/spec)

I never actually attempted it (neither in the original version nor since it has been returned as an evergreen challenge), as I am most definitely not the target audience.

I don’t get why people say this was hard. I’m the worst player in WoW and I got it when it was current. I had to do it over and over, but it wasn’t hard by any measure.

The solution is to give Brann a tank spec.



When I first tried them and saw there was no tank option for Brann I instantly thought about “dungeon queen” classes and how are they gonna do something like this?

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It was never intended as solo-only content. Ion’s description of delves (well before beta) was that they would be for solo play or small group of 2-3, but accommodate up to 5.

There’s no slippery slope, since they were always intended for both solo and group play. What’s new is that solo players have a path to better gear with Tier 8 delves matching +5 keys at end-of run and +7 keys in the vault.

he same reason you can queue solo for 5mans and LFR.

If you are undergeared you can group up till you are 30 ilvls beyond the recommended ilvl tier of the delve

Well, that flushed all the people eating at the bug trough who don’t want it to end.

Irrelevant to his suggestion. What they were meant to be has no bearing on him suggesting what they should be. Pointless and stupid.