I don’t know how it is in PvP, but I know that in PvE I did double the damage in 197 gear that I did in 184 gear. Now that I’m at 206 gear, I’m doing double what I was doing in 197 gear. The exponential damage difference really ruins the game, IMO. In Wrath, the difference amounted to hundreds of DPS per tier. These days, it amounts to thousands.
You find people that have the same likes as you, get together and go at the content as a group
My friend did that and she can’t wait to play with them on stormrage
Getting on coms with a bunch of strangers is beyond uncomfortable. ICK.
You can’t do full premade into a random BG. You can at most queue a party of five players. So the rest of those 5-10 players are random players. I face the same situation daily only I play Alliance which is worse. It’s basically what random BG’s have always been like in my experience.
Exactly my point, I upgraded 3 pieces of gear from 197 to 200 and went up 2 ilvls. Players are not being honest when they say Gear isn’t a problem, 20 ilvls is crazy high in every category compared to us in honor gear.
Def sounds like you want free gear. Did you know you have the same options for getting gear as everyone else?
Problem is when you say solo player people immediately think you legitimately are playing with zero other people and want this game to be a completely solo game predominantly.
I am in the exact same boat. I want to play a game in a persistent world with endless progression. I also do want to play with other players, I just don’t have time for organized groups or guilds. So when people go on and on about how dungeon finder and LFR are terrible things I cringe as its the only thing that even kept me playing this long.
My problem is how low on the food chain we are now as well with so many difficulty levels. I just don’t feel part of the game anymore really. In a game like ESO for example I can still do regular dungeons and its okay as I am not that far from the top.
In WoW its almost more beneficial to just do world quests and not even partake in anything else lol as a casual player. Its almost like they are rewarding you for NOT playing the game.
You just have to use the group finder and play with pugs. That is what solo players who want to gear up do.
Sounds like you just learned how to play over the gearing process because there’s no other good reason for quadrupling your damage over the course of ~20 ilevels.
Either that or you’re comparing apples to oranges by comparing your burst on short fights to drawn out ones.
I got to 2100 doing pub rbgs as Alliance.
As Horde it’s even easier, if you’re not doing it’ is because you don’t want to.
Still the best form of comedy.
Not correct. I played DAOC from 2001 to 2004, and in November 2004 tried WoW and switched to it. My main reason for switching: you could quest and level solo, in most classes. You couldn’t do that in DAOC.
But if you say it has gotten better, I agree. You can solo quest in every sub-class in BFA. I’ve done it.
It reminds me a bit of the old twinking system and how that worked out. People would work on building level X9 twinks, gearing them in superb gear (and it was great stuff), turning off xp and going into bgs for honor and to wipe the floor with ordinary players. There really isn’t any difference to my mind between that and people who have very high gear levels going into bgs now and smashing newer players, presumably for whatever pvp currency is going and for the feeling of being powerful.
If there was some form of ilevel matching, so that players of equal strength were in the same bgs it would probably make for an interesting time for everyone. Unless players believe that your skill shouldn’t matter in a bg, just what you have on the toon.
So you keep quoting arena player, but BGs are arguably the best way to gear up for PvP. You get honor and conquest much faster, and there are a lot of YOLO groups to boost rating off to get higher gear fast.
I also don’t get what this post has to do with solo players.
And finally how you describe Discord sounds like you don’t really have a clue what you are talking about so you are insulting it and others. That may be why you are a ‘solo’ player now, you can’t make friends.
I’m a solo player as well, but you honestly can’t expect to compete with players who do rated arenas/BGs or mythic raids. We’ll always be around 20 ilvls lower than them. It’s just a fact of (mmo gaming) life.
Not all guilds are like this. There are other people out there who might share your interests and even in your age group as well. I encourage you to think about looking around for a guild, by which I mean doing research on what guilds are out there with what interests and goals, and finding one which is a good culture fit. It might take months to find one that’s just right, but it’s worth it in the end. Abandoning searching for a guild as impossible isn’t going to improve your WoW experience.
Also consider that writing off all “young” people as irritating/rude and brain dead is a shame for both them and you, because (A) it’s not true, and (B) it’s possible you’re missing out on some fun times you could be having with people outside your age group. If random noises in Disc are a huge issue with you, there are also a lot of guilds which institute push-to-talk rules in their discords for exactly the reasons you list. We have one in mine.
Try letting your hair down a little and stop chasing the kids off your lawn. This is somewhere you’re supposed to be having fun… part of which can be meeting a lot of new and different people.
I’m 51.
Get off my lawn kid!
You can get 197 ilvl gear for honor and the starter conquest gear (200 ilvl) from just winning BGs and doing the dailies. If you want to go above that, you are going to have to start doing rated PvP.
Once you reach 1400, you can upgrade to 207 (on par with the last three bosses in the current normal raid). At 1600 you get 213, which is on par with the Heroic raid. So you have options to improve your gear, you just have to do the right type of PvP to do so.
im 28 but i constantly feel left behind by certain design decisions blizz takes. I am also a casual pvp player. I was able to get 1606 last week in 2s playing with my disc priest friend and it was quite the struggle to do in 206 Item level at the time as rogue/priest.
213 is going to be my top out item level unless i push 1800 but how can you be expected to do that if you dont have near 220 item level? Add a pvp freaking stat again so that PVE players wont complain about how its easier to obtain rated gear than it is to do Mythics versatility isnt working out as the pvp stat and there’s PVE gear with more vers on it than some pvp pieces.
WoW is basically not a very hard game - I have been playing on and off since original release and am usually the one who has his mechanics down, who knows the fights, who would endure failed Kara run after failed Kara run because guildies stood in the fire. Eventually I realized that being ‘the best’ at this game just meant enough people who were middle of the pack got together and rooted out the worst players.
Well, that’s where we are now. There is a prevalent mediocre elitism, you see it in every dungeon run - some yokel stands in the fire and dies, and then complains about her teammates not using their battle rez. There is a privileged attitude of the mediocre player who does what the meta tells them, and they are terrified of being proven to be as mediocre as they really are so they hold on that harder to what the meta tells them is good.