The snail quests and the quests with the mushrooms you have to carry while unable to use abilities: these quests feel like they are here to meet some “chore” mandate. It’s as if the dev team made sure there would be a few quests players would absolutely despise doing in every way possible.
Every single quest is neat in engaging - and then you run into these handful of quests that feel are just put in as pranks or something.
This has been a great update, but I am not here for the stupid time-wasting quests. You will never see me go near those snails again. You can waste someone else’s time.
To be perfectly clear: to the team(s) and individuals who thought these quests were acceptable or even remotely entertaining…you are WAY off the mark.
I’m only coming down so hard because so much of ZC is good but these quests…pfft…I’d rather chew glass. Tighten up on quest design just a tad more so there can be ZERO of these quests next content update. Please.
-someone who generally really likes this update, but I ain’t doing this snail b.s.