The six million dollar dream

Emerald Dream.

A refuge.

A battlefield.

A home.

Emerald Dream was once many things to many people. But through no fault of our own has fallen into darkness. The gods have forsaken this land. Warmode has divided our people, banishing them to other dimensions without ever making them leave.

Some have chosen to slumber, hoping that one day the dream might be rekindled.

Yet others have awoken, and in the foggy haze of morning mourn the world they once knew.

Searching for answers, a group of adventurers have discovered a way to go back. A passage through time, before King Wrynns fall at the broken shore, before the convoluted adventure in Draenor, before the Horde invasion of Pandaria, before the destroyer razed Azeroth, before the Lich King awoke. A time when the world was young, and the dream still held hope.

We can go back.

We must go back.

TL;DR: Classic WoW > Retail WoW.