Is, hands down, the worst delve in the game. Fight me.
Fight you? Like now?
I’m having pasta
Name kinda fits.
My guildies and I refer to it as the s**thole
its better than the candle ones or the fungal ones.
I agree! I won’t even do those ones when they’re bountiful, and yes I’m aware their are macros for the candle and weakauras to track timers but I still don’t like them.
I enjoy them all, personally.
I just woke up
I will take the Sinkhole over the ones with the candle or the air purifier thing. All my toons that do delves have the fishing pole that gives constant water breathing.
I’m sure you already know but you can also use noggenfogger elixir, one of the buffs is a 10 minute skeleton transmog that can breathe underwater.
Super cheap in gadgetzan all my toons bought 200
im a warlock, so underwater zones dont bother me. i have water breathing pots or the fishing pole on other characters
Better than the candle ones, but at least the more annoying fungal ones you can blow up all the mobs with spores making them fast. The sharks in sinkhole are really good to mind control as a priest because they do silly damage.
Strangely it seems like the kalu’ak rep was one that didn’t get made warband-wide. I have the pole equipped on my paladin but my other characters can’t get it (no rep).
Its funny, I’m undead and a warlock so I honestly never gave it a second thought until I did it on something that can’t breathe underwater by default and I was like, oh yeah, I didn’t plan ahead for this. That and I really hate those mobs that harpoon you and drag you across the screen. Otherwise my only complaint is when I come across a Zekvir buffed mob pack and old Zekvir decides to pull me all over the place too and sometimes throws me right off a ledge. That’s fun.
What if I agree? Do we still have to fight? Can I finish my coffee? I work nights and am not fully functional yet.
You misspelled waterworks.
Same here. With the candle/air purifier mechanic, my OCD hoarding resources takes over and I do way more work than I need to in optimizing candle usage/placement. Combine candles only when less than 50 stacks on each; drop a candle and go back for another one so that there’s more available floor space. I absolutely know I don’t need to do this, but I just can’t help myself.
Its not the breathing part of the underwater delves that is the problem. Pathing issues, mobs constantly evading and resetting, and Brann treating it like he is running a marathon in an attempt to get as far away from the player as possible are the reasons I don’t bother with them.
It’s super awesome when Brann draws aggro on the last boss and pulls it out of the room and resets it. I think I’ve only had this happen on the two underwater delves.
Not to state the obvious, but you are aware that you can drink a water breathing potion in addition to your flask for these underwater delves? They’re about 40g on the AH.