The single dumbest spriest question that will ever be asked

why doesnt mind blast wanna cast sometimes, even if i have a charge?
i feel like i have everything else figured out but that

I have been having lag issues? While playing disc, clicked on Mind blast 4 times before it was casted.

Only really happening after Tuesday. I can play 4k videos no issue when tested, but somehow I am laggy in game.

You might have insta proc Mindblasts from Shadowy Insight. Means you can use that mind blast with no cast time, and another one might have proc in between to leave you with another charge. Lol

i only have issues with mindbender on disc. sometimes i have to absolutely mash it to get it to go off

shadow its just
sometimes i press mindblast and it doesnt wanna mindblast

I have been having a weird issue where my character yells at me with mind blast “I cant do that yet” and I think it’s when interrupting mind flay? As if it interrupts mind flay but doesn’t cast blast and then I have to cast blast again. I think. But maybe Hyth is right and it’s something to do with getting an instant proc at the same time and starting a gcd and I didn’t realize it DID just cast mind blast lol.

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Could be that you got a proc making it instant

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