Create N random branches.
When people or teams queue, they are assigned to random branches, such that they cannot queue into the same battleground unless by random happenchance (which, with sufficiently high N, N>5, cannot happen often).
The end.
Also lower premade size to three, this ensures maximum fragmentation.
the rate of players queueing is what messes up your idea, you would end up with a 40 man premade having 50% of each roster.
also, a lot of premades will drop when they don’t get a fully sync’d pop, this is why so many games start with a half roster on one side, blizz split their premade so they dropped your game.
blizz needs to lean into premades an allow raid queueing for epics, this will eliminated syncing and dropping and free up the queue system to flow more naturally.
Blizzard doesn’t want premade raids in random bgs.
Premade raids vs. pugs are one-sided games that drive players away from PvP.
Premade raids will send in a scout. If they see a premade raid on the other team, they’ll drop their queue pops and requeue.
No, because a massive influx of solo queuers would return to the game.
Also premades, even now, aren’t anywhere near the majority of players queuing.
Which is why denying queues needs deserter (like in Rated Battlegrounds) and account wide.
I’m here to take the trash, you’re here to revel in it. The Trash King.
who says that is a good thing? the game is better when it is more social. IMO not only should they allow premades in epics, but they should gut LFR and LFD and RSS and Blitz.
Because that is the overwhelming majority of the playerbase.
You want truly “epic bg” experience? Play RBGs, it’s a blast.
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i have, RBGs are not epics.
scattering seven 5 man groups between 3 epic bg ques wont magically make pug players start working together.
the complacent pug players are the problem.
if anything it will ruin epic bgs for the people who actually enjoy playing them. the pugs always want to backdoor and rush the boss avoiding pvp. and they also want to give up at the first sign of a loss.
people who enjoy epics all mostly congregate in premade communities so they can play with other likeminded players who actually want to play the maps not just farm conquest.
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Or just give out bans for people that need a raid group to make them feel better about their lack of skill or ability to express it. Que syncing effectively ruins the experience for a majority of people who want to play that mode. 5 people are friends any more is an admission to your own lack of ability. You can’t logically make an argument for syncing……it’s all cope
if anything it will ruin epic bgs for the people who actually enjoy playing them
Thanks , you’ve already ruined them for everyone that used to enjoy playing them.
so, you want to ban people who want to socially play in an MMO? have you forgot what kind of game you are playing?
you don’t have data on that, nor do i. what i can say though is that epic communities are often large and active compared to typical PVE guilds. it wouldn’t surprise me if that majority of epic pvpers you are trying to cry for are the epic syncing premades you hate.
so people aren’t allowed to have more than 4 friends? what kind of anti-social thinking is that?
and just how many epics have you enjoyed?
Cope cope cope and cope. I’ve played since wrath, epics have always been one of my favorite things to do with a couple of friends. Now it’s pretty lame even if 2 or 3 of us Que. thanks
epics as a specific game mode have only been a thing since 8.0. and this was a big change because it meant that the only people in AV and IoC were people who wanted to be there, you didn’t get half an afk team upset they didn’t get ToK.
this resulted in a lot of communities and premade groups forming as people starting seeing familiar faces game after game. epic premades are organically formed communities the way old school guilds formed and not something done because people “lack skill”, you will find a diverse mix of skill in every community.
and if epics are such a big deal for you, why do you not have a single veteran achievement in them?
LOL yeh teh qsink exploitrs dont send in spies 2 drop if they q in2 anuther premade n no def never seen premaders like oggy or alex or mesocringey go straight backdoor or anything like that LOL
you may not be aware but people were grouping up for bgs in wrath too. sync coms are just an easy scapegoat for pugs who dont want to admit its their own fault for losing.
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simpull fix is xfacshun ebgs
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You can’t ban people for Blizzard not safeguarding with a simple fractalization algorithm.
Or the premades can simply play by the rules that are already in place. If that happened the que system would flow more naturally as well.
And stop throwing a tantrum cause blizzard wont give you what you want.
You misunderstand you see blizzard holds unlimited power… what they say goes it quite simply is not about what you want its about what they want.
No one said its to make pugs work together, its to make pugs play together.