So, for some reason this quest was never offered to my character, and it is the only one I am missing from the main storyline.
The DF storyline quest chain tells me to continue I need to earn renown with the factions…I am max renown on ALL DF factions, and I have all of the other chapters done, just this stupid The Silver Purpose will not show up for me. Alextrazza has no more quests for me, and I am not sure wtf is going on with this stupid game! Why was I not offered the chapter questline after I completed A Mystery Sealed???
Someone suggested I do it on one of my other max characters but after getting the first storyline quest chain done, Alextrazza disappears, and I get no more quests.
So, I did it on 5 other max level characters…I get to the part of the story to collect the Silver Scale then BOOM no more quests other than the rest of the chapters.
Thing is this character is stuck at DF 8/9 missing and unable to get The Silver Purpose and unable to complete it on any of my other characters. Put in a ticket but that was 2 weeks ago and still nothing from Blizz.