The silver hand appearance

Ok, so I just completed the questline to get the silver hand artifact appearance,(the scenario where you have to cleanse 2 and heal 2 NPC’s) anyone know where to go to get the next quest? Or is there another quest? If not, how do I go about collecting the other artifact appearances for the ashbringer?
I’m not seeing anymore quest in the class hall period.
Thanks :slight_smile:

Might be a little late on this answer, buuut… If you take your artifact to the forge (at the bottom of the hall), it’ll show you the achievements/requirements for the other tints and appearances.

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Ok, ill check it out.
Thanks alot

No prob! Also I forgot to say… you can also check out the Wowhead page for your artifacts, and it’ll say in more detail.

Here’s Ret and Prot too, just in case: