The Significance Of Druid Forms

Hi there!

I wanted to bring to attention how vital our forms are for those of us who play the roles of shapeshifting, and possibly even some solutions if considered and evaluated, but most importantly, why I feel it is very much needed and necessary.

Starting off, the class is incredibly unique and stands out from classes in this and most other online games due to the ability to shapeshift into many different forms, and for many of us, that may be the drawing factor towards playing this class. The other side to this is that, we’re bound to be in this form the majority of our time playing, if using cat or bear as our roles depend on this entirely, and for many, this makes it so much more vital that we’re content with the form of our choosing, where prior to Legion we may have even decided to change our entire race because of a new set of forms for a new race, and I’m sure this still happens too!

The downside to being restricted to the form, is that we don’t really get any visuals that we can swap out like our characters, or further customizations that could really make us feel like we can express ourselves with our forms, something that the moonkin has gotten a taste of just recently. Imagine if we could do that with our feline and ursine forms, where you could cuztomize your ears, tail, horns, markings, racial emblems and even some restricted racial features like what our original racial forms had, and many other things like that, a character customization overhaul for our druid forms that could bring more players to their druids and change everything for those who already love them. This alone I genuinely believe would make a great impact on players across WoW, even those who only play the class casually.

At the end of the day, our forms are almost like an entire race in and of itself, I feel that it absolutely deserves a cuztomization overhaul, and I wonder how many others feel the same! Thank you for taking the time to read! :heartpulse:

Lastly, I’ll post an art piece I did a while back, and I would love to hear others thoughts on this! (hopefully it posts correctly!!!)


Giving all forms the moonkin treatment of customization would be awesome, but probably won’t happen for awhile.

Also I tried your link and it didn’t work.


It’s the sole reason I chose Druid. The class feels so deflated now and what they’re doing just feels confusing. I pre-ordered TWW and I have no excitement to level :[ :broken_heart:

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I like we are getting lots of new forms but I really miss the old days of having to do quests to learn each form.
They taught you why you are adapting that animal form and met with spirits that gave you their blessings.
Now I feel Druids are becoming fancy shapeshifters.


As a guardian Druid I would love more bear options. It gets rather old staring at a giant bear behind all day.

Race specific werebear forms would be amazing. I think a Drust werebear would be the coolest thing in this game, but that’s just me.

It would be pretty cool if every form got the moonkin treatment. It would also lay the groundwork for Blizz to add more and more options without needing to add entirely new forms


It seriously would, could you imagine even having different armors that are faction themed?

Oh? I made a new one real quick, hopefully this one works! If when pasted it pastes the two hidden ` markers, take and paste into chat and remove em then repaste it, should do the trick :slight_smile: I honestly have no idea outside of what what could be preventing it

I genuinely missed that, and though it really felt like a rite of passage on a much deeper level, and brought a tremendous amount of life to the class… I could totally see an overhaul in the future, an amazing one where we learn our forms but, at the same time I would definitely not want it to be hand-holding easy. We got our asses kicked by the moonkin in the cave :laughing:

oh I have to agree, wicker beast drust werebear? I would love so much to see that, or even faction themed werebears… the worgens would have a spiked collar and look like werewolves, the tauren would look like beastly feralish minotaurs, can already imagine how badass some of this would be!!!

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I would quite frankly, jump up and down, run up the walls if we’re given more customisations for our forms. I don’t personally use the new moonkin forms, but the fact that it was given SO much customisation had me so insanely excited for those who do love the moonkin form.

Extending that to our cat forms, bear forms, maybe even travel forms would just be badass. I’d give anything to rock the original night elf based cat form, with antlers and moon jewelry <3

Do hope for this in the future!! Especially since they’re extending the same treatment to Shamans in the new patch <3

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That’s a pretty cool image and yey the linked worked. I like your head, tail and ears a bit.

I would love to how so many more options.

Even the fire cat… what if I want different runes, no runes, scars, a different tail or even no mane?

I’m going to be honest and say while I love fire cat, I wish I could turn the mane off sometimes.

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ohhhh that’s good to hear!

YES!!! I’d love a fire option for the cats or bears like they did with the moonkin! Maybe auras like the moonkin like an astral looking one or nightmare themed red & black one, they could put these as unlockable in new and old content both even! Elagon themed cats and bears? SO much that could be done with this

I would love the werebear form BUT with 5 druids farming AUtostar every week the drop rates are insanely low …

The drops on the named ones seem the same…

I spent 12000 Gold on my attempts with the tower too and NOTHING … I can’t even NOW get through the first combat cycle of the first boss in 480 gear

AT the casts of repairs I would love to know IF blizzard is ever going to fix the scaling

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the scaling has been very painful, just does not feel good at all lately imo :confused:

I actually had no idea that form was so rare, I would honestly say if anything save yourself the hassle, I have a strong feeling we might be seeing some werebears show up whenever they do Legion remix, which I’m sure they will after WoD remix! Even if they don’t allow for the same colors to be re-obtained, I do feel they’ll throw in some new variants at the least… but let us hope :crossed_fingers: