Not for anything serious or lore-impacting, but there should be some sort of event in game (like Holiday event) where the short races come together to join up in short-brotherhood.
Still think if they add Tinkers it should be mini-races only - gnomes (both kinds), goblins, and vulpera.
We have a BBQ with short ribs and for dessert strawberry shortcake and we all play limbo!
I’ll allow it, but only because of that pun.
Yeah but what if you need to reach something on the top shelf?
You gonna trust a ladder built by a goblin to not explode?
This has my vote
I’d count on it. It’ll get you up there faster.
For the Shorde.
Getting up there is easy.
The trick is surviving getting back down after your parachute also explodes.
Not gonna lie, that actually sounds like fun.
One of us, one of us
Shelves have been outlawed.
That would be very strange… you would throw a party with gnomes being served (bbq), where there would also be gnomes as guests…
It never seemed to bother my tauren buddies.
The Gnomes have that level 1 charity run in game every year. Pink hair is suggested.
Have four of you stand close together so I can place this tabletop down…
cool because only they can fit into the mech suit
only if you guys do the stand on each other thing with the trenchcoat and fight that way.