The shallowness of Human Lore in Warcraft--Why?

Fair enough, that’s true.

There is still a HUGE gap in Draenei lore from between fleeing Argus to arriving on Draenor… but otherwise, I agree with you.

There were other interactions between mesoamerican civilisations and the Spaniard, beyond the conquest of New Spain.

Not every interaction between both collectives ended in outright war or conflict.

And even if this was indeed the case, at least it would give an Alliance faction a more “natural” flaw. One in line with what we’d expect from the medieval (even if fantastical) mindset.

And thematically speaking, it would’ve given some new representation beyond the British one that already permeates most of the human factions of the game.
Even if you want to maintain humans as representative of European themes and fantasy, there are many more motifs and countries beside the British.

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Only the vengful undead drust were framed as evil.
All the living Drust are now part of Kul Tiran society.

Great that we didn’t and I am glad we all learned Sylvanas was as evil and stupid as I always believed she was.

It was implied the majority of the Drust were the ones trying to get rid of the settlers on their land. It’s a bit of a sketchy subject area to unliaterally paint the people upset about having their lands colonized by the British-themed foreign settlers as unilaterally the bad guys. They could’ve at least made it have gone both ways, instead of writing the Kul Tirans as 100% innocent peaceful victims.

If not out of respect for actual indigenous cultures that went through it in our world then at least because it would be a more interesting backstory than good humans vs one dimensionally evil savages.

You are talking about the ancient drust. Thats what all those quests were about, there were no current drust that were being colonized. That had already happened many generations ago that it had become ancient history.

We were fighting the angry spirits wanting revenge for what happened to them.

I’m sorry to intervene, but I’m with Thalunis in this one.

The way the story frames the conflict, even if we are told of it through echos and spirits, is that the overall majority of the Drust indeed were “evil savages” that attacked innocent farmers that settled along their territory.
And that Ulfar and the Thornspeakers were the “reasonable” and “good ones” because they accepted them taking part of their territory, and learned to live with them.

That’s…a problematic take.

This sort of stories should be told with more grey areas.
For example, I would’ve written it by incorporating stuff like:

  1. Kul Tirans accepting said reality, but acknowledging that their ancestors didn’t go with the best approach.
  2. Write the Drust less of a one-dimensional evil race, and more of a naturally flawed one that had radical outliers (Gorak Tul).
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I remember fighting angry ghosts not actual drust people

Again, I know.
I’m not denying that.

My point was, that even if we were indeed fighting said ghosts, the narrative involving said area explicitly paints said past conflict in a pretty one-sided way.

One that basically went with the Drust being literal savage monsters that hunted down innocent farmers and settlers (except a few reasonable exceptions), and the Kul Tirans being the dramatic heroes that prevailed in the end.

And telling that sort of story, in that particular way is indeed problematic. And a bit unrealistic to be honest, as I don’t believe that fictions should write any race as inherently evil.

PS: I’m not particularly “offended” by said sort of narrative, as we have the slight hope that it’s all told that way because we only get to know the Kul Tiran point of view. But its a bit worrying that the likes of Ulfar never bother dispelling that notion, or that the closest “living” drust we get to interact with, are the likes of Gorak Tul.

Yeah Blizzard has this tendency to treat all form of violence as evil no matter how justified it may be.

That’s…also true. Yeah.

With the Draenei I say are pretty good retcon when it comes to their civilization lore and history. I just wish they were used more in the story after legion atleast besides their lightforged corner parts.

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