The Seinfeld Dynamic

Which Horde/Alliance leaders could best bit into the dynamic of the main characters of Seinfeld?

For Horde
Lor’themar is the best candidate for Jerry, the good-looking straight man.

Thrall would be our George. Although he’s much more competent and accomplished, Thrall still has the general regret for his life choices and neuroticism that fits George best.

The Kramer would have to be the crazy one who comes up with lots of goofy schemes. That used to be Gallywix but now he’s in hell where he belongs. Thankfully, Gazlowe is a much better replacement. If anything, Gallywix is Newman.

Thalyssra isn’t a perfect match for Elanie, but given her relationship with Lor’Themar it makes her the best candidate for the position.

For Alliance
Anudin is our Jerry, though he’s quite a bit younger and cooler, he still works as the straight man.

Genn is our George. He’s made many horrible mistakes in his life, doubts himself so much he stepped down as king, and he’s really hairy everywhere but the top of his head. (That’s totally a combover!)

Mekkatorque will have to be our Kramer. Alliance leaders are typically much more responsible but Mekkatorque at least was reckless enough to nearly die once, making him fit with Kramer’s spontaneity.

Would Jaina or Tyranda fit better as Elanie? That’s a question I still struggle with. I’ll let you folks has that one out.

Agree with me? Disagree? Got a different idea on how you’d handle it?

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I think you’d need somebody far more self-centred and sociopathic to fill the George niche, this is a man who killed his fiancé with cheap envelopes and celebrated it as freedom from a marriage he didn’t want but was too cowardly to call off. I would have said Gallywix for the Horde if he hadn’t left it. Not sure who would fill a similar niche on the Alliance.

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In fairness, that was accidental. Neither of them knew the adhesive was toxic. George wasn’t too upset about it because he didn’t really want to be married. Still pretty bad but not literal serial killer stuff.

No, but you combine it with everything else George does and it paints a picture of a pretty terrible person. Easily the closest thing to a villain the main gang has.


I really want Sylvanas and Genn to be Jerry and Newman for some reason.

They don’t need to be 1-1 matches, just so long as they fulfill their role in the group. If they were perfect matches, they’d all have to be evil.

Thrall is Jerry just because Thrall is the main Horde character. And they are both pretty mild mannered.

Sylvanas is like Elaine for sure, even if she left the Horde. Elaine could be pretty calculated, and have her plans blow up in her face. Thalyssra isn’t very Elaine, imo, nor is Talanji.

Gallywix would have been a perfect George.

Kramer is a tough one for me. I wanna say Baine just because he is a big dummy who gets himself in trouble. And he is rather clownish. However, the way Calia got her self shot up by Sylvanas in the Arathi Highlands was rather Kramerish.

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Kramer can be exclusively Stormsong Valley Rexxar.

Just shows up at random, murders one of his pets, then talks about murdering Jaina and a Tide Pearl and whatever else his mushroom induced spirit journey led him to.