Go read a guide. It shows you how to get 3 level 25 battle pets in very short order.
Eau, the king od being a drama queen.
They did. They didn’t just make it an m+ grind for the bike. Get over yourself and go out and play the game lol good grief
Go read a guide. It shows you how to get 3 level 25 battle pets in very short order.
Eau, the king od being a drama queen.
They did. They didn’t just make it an m+ grind for the bike. Get over yourself and go out and play the game lol good grief
^ this
If you really want it that badly…
There are a number of guides out there to help you ramp your pets up fast. The secret pets you need are pretty easy to get - especially for an 80.
The whole thing is really a simple battle. It’s just rng. Just go get the things done and move on.
Also… If you’re complaining about this step… look ahead to 6’oclock and you might give up entirely. 7 is kinda rough too but there are some guides that help.
why do you overreact to everything, constantly?
so… go get them. they’re all pretty easy to get
react or overreact
Oh no, it’s almost like they are rewarding people that actually played the game. Shocker. Especially since most of the “secret” pets are ridiculously easy to get. Most can even be found on the AH.
But sure, complaining works too.
I do wonder how people would react if suddenly going from one step where it’s more just puzzle solving without needing special items that are a pain to get, suddenly it just started requiring things like 1800-2.4k PvP rating (Even random brackets) or Top end M+ rating, Mythic boss kills etc. They should’ve honestly figured something else out.
You’re really comparing 2~ hours of in game time getting and levelling very easy pets to the top end of some of the hardest content in the game?
A pet battle is a puzzle, it’s a series of deterministic* inputs that when done in a certain order yield a positive result.
its 1 pet battle. Its not that hard of a battle. None is forcing you to do anything. You want reward you do it or dont.
Plenty of guides online and on utube to walk you thru this. Its not hard. I did it in 5 min.
I hate to pvp but do it for the rewards. I am not forced to do it
Its just wrong.
You wanna force me to do anything that I never do, ok fine, at least make it non punishing.
For one step, and it’d be greater than 2 hours yes. There are various other steps, and really the ‘top end’ just requires grinding or buying itself.
Same for any of the games content technically, hit specific inputs in order.
Locking a wicked sick reward behind content that the majority of the playerbase totally hates was a poor decision. No, no is forcing anyone to earn the mount but the alternative was to lock the reward behind content that more than a small minority actually find enjoyable – and Blizzard didn’t do it. That’s on Blizzard. The no-one-is-forcing-you takes are missing the point.
Well… it’s very likely the purple version of the Felcycle will be made available on the TP since (if I remember right) it was data-mined… like everything with this game, that it’s a TP item. The SoA version probably won’t since it would undermine the entire effort of the event, but the purple and maybe even the red one could be put on the TP.
Yeah, usual lie of GD forum, “any secret” pet won’t work.
You gotta have secret draconid as first pet or the eye wrecking anything else.
Blizzard knows how to make me hate this game.
Everything they do is with malicious intent.
Yeah pet battlers totally get soooo many mounts all the time, dozens and hundreds of them come from pet battles.
Wait, what’s that?
Just the one, huh.
Out of 1223 total.
And it’s not even exclusive to pet battles, that’s 1/9th of the steps to get the mount.
Git gud and engage with different content, or just give up and don’t. Pretend the cycle is another unobtainable PVP mount.
I didn’t have that one, but I still got it done. The Warcraft Secrets site has a link to a pet battle site with multiple team options including some without the little dragon and instructions on how to win.
Nailed it. /Signed
Then don’t get the mount
The thing is that the bike is a reward for people that go through all the steps. It is not a punishment if you don’t want to. Rewarding some people is not a punishment to others. It is a champion trophy not a participation award. I want the bike but I don’t want to do all the activities. I’m not being punished for my choice. I’m just not earning the reward.
I dont pet battle either. I also don’t neeeeeeed every single item, and am fine not doing it. And if I decide I want the reward I’ll go suffer through the pet battles. I don’t come here complaining calling designs trash because I’m spoiled.