The Season 4 mount is lazy

People still play for the season mount?

WOW they literally did exactly what you said, OP. That’s amazing.


And for my next trick, there will be Vulpera Paladins.



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How do you think we got a purple mount?


I’m really sad that the blue recolor will not be available. It is the one color I specifically wanted from these since I saw the original datamining. I don’t think it looks similar at all to the S1 mount. It’s a shame that all the people whining about recolors aren’t even getting what they want because it’s still another recolor even purple. I like recolors, I like having an option to enjoy the same mount in different colors or match specific colors to my transmogs. Now I won’t get to do that with my blue mogs.

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We need the Azure Variant as a Lesser Mount you can buy I say. Preferably from the Maldraxxus Covenant with the other Covenants having their own Unique Death Elementals. Zereth Mortis also needs Death Elementals(of the Golden Type) as does Brokers(of the White Type).

Purple as the 4th Season Mount is good though.

Of course one would hope that the Purple Skin is used by Enemy NPCs to fight with the same Shadow Spells used by Mueh’zala’s Forces and the Nathrezim as their primary Spells.