The Scarlet Crusade

i had to google who they where…
they are to much of a zeolt orginization. Maybe if we have a distinctive anti undead expansion?

Well with Calia Menethil and lightforged undead, you never know… Might just see them return. Just so they have someone to trouble them.

They need to make it so we can get that pure white back ground, scarlet red symbol and border with the gold stripe tabard that all of the elite scarlet crusade members have.

They missed an opportunity to give player a choice between the lawful good Argent Dawn and the (potentially) Chaotic Good Scarlet Crusade.

Its the one faction in the game that everyone talks about each expac… but they were written as evilish cartoon villians, even when there was a potential redemption arch…

The Brotherhood of the Light could step up as a radical faction of religious zealots and unlike the Scarlets, they allow races from both factions to join.

Oh man! This is exactly how I feel, and I loved their lore!

yeah my 39 twink shaman had the 2h axe from SM as well. god, those WF procs while ww’ing… lol; it was beautiful!

Was doing some farming in SM, mostly for the “lulz”. And I was looking at the statues in the instances about previous Scarlet Champions and it only makes me want a Scarlet Crusade content patch even more. Fleet Admirals and Rangers…
Not to mention all the cool stuff they did lore wise. UGH.


To bring back some knowledge, the scarlet Crusade still exist, you find a Quartermaster in Darkmoon Faire selling wares to gather funds, she will only sellto you though if you wear the tabard.

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See, they don’t need to add a necromancer class to the game.

My paladin is an unofficial member of the Scarlet Crusade.

Notwithstanding current personal disfigurement I fully support the return of the Scarlet Crusade and the reclamation and return of Lordaeron into the fold of living humanity.

They always reminded me of the Children of the Light from the WoT series

Think blizz is saving all their “morally grey” Light themes for Yrel and the Lightbound when they come around; would imagine the remaining crusaders would be eager to join them I’d imagine

I loved all the Scarlet Crusde stuff. Farmed it for gold to get epic riding. Farmed the lvl60 area back in the day just for fun before it was all changed. Neat lore. There was that weird cave/island in WotLK that had the Scarlet Crusade and really thought there would be a new 5 man. but no =(

I think part of it is i really enjoy instances that are “castles” which is probably why i dont do 5-mans anymore. That said i really like Waycrest Manor. But dont bother since people mostly just want to run whatever highest key they have. or random because it gives a bonus.
Sorry, thats all off topic.

The Scarlet Crusade was always Azeroth’s version of Hogan’s Heroes’s ‘National Socialist German Workers’ Party’

I think a lot of people did. Most of the good memories comes from Scarlet Monastery. It’s always nice seeing Whitemane.

I heard she became a deathknight ironically… which is a bit sad. (I haven’t done the Death Knight legion hall. Which I hear it’s one of the best ones.) I would’ve preferred seeing her with some light zealots in Shadowlands. Another case of an amazing Light female character going black…

Classic definitely showed me there was more to their story than I thought there was. I have stated that before. So I enjoyed that a lot. Got to see another neat female Scarlet which was the Oracle. I just didn’t get to play that area before it got remodeled for Wotlk. I ran to catch up with everyone else in another galaxy instead (Outlands).

There was it’s called New Hearthglen and I thought to myself why do I have such strong memories of this place. Besides it being in Dragonblight which had one of the best cinematics ever (Wrathgate) and one of the quest chains in game.

New hearthglen actually has a shout out to Agent Skully and Mulder (Molder) so it was probably subconscious. WoW does this from time to time, gives shout outs to other fictional characters or actresses/actors.

Anyways I still have lots of love for the Scarlets. :heart:

Not-so-accidental commentary on religion I think.