The same power at 60 as level 50

Why am I killing stuff BfA content slower at level 60 than I was at level 50? I thought I was 10 levels stronger?. I can’t even solo BfA dungeons…this is absolute garbage.

Why no just remove levels all together?

did you have high corruption?

deleting corruption was essentially a power reset. I was at 5k total mastery before the delete. thats a big nerf

You and the rest of us must make the maw look busy OP. Can’t have you sneaking off to Nazjatar. Makes players numbers in SL lower.

It has to be done since 30 minutes of decent work there and you have to leave because its just not worth all the headaches of higher Jailor hate, imo.

I kinda figured with the amount of expansions at this point and rush leveling 1-50 very obvious that they are kinda mediating all the content and scaling it to level.

so basically if you are max level all things you do are scaled to a difficulty fit for a max level character.

I’m not stating facts, just kinda what I think is happening, and also what I think is a neat idea to keep all content alive.

I’d rather they have the option to scale the players down, like FF14 does. That way people can experience the content on level whenever they wish, but those who just want to solo old content can still do that as well

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Scaling is currently borked. See the big thread on it.


Definitely not by design as mentioned by Arandi.

Even BfA mobs were scaling past their level, they’re just that powerful.

The char I took back was never really powered up. I in fact kept getting crap corruptions that had me choose mog and the item ilevel/stats over them. I cleanse that Void Elf. She didn’t need gear to be corrupt. She was not a tourist to the void. She calls it home…

But seriously I never spammed visions…I topped out at 415-420. Which became 100 ish in 9. then all she got and needed from ice crown was the 115 weapon.

That had me enter SL around 105. And she went back 155+. So the borking is there. I see it with an average char and its okay.

I do see your point though. Some people who got used to void lasers shooting out all over got a real “nice” surprise.

But in instanced BfA content, at 60 I should be able to solo it…even legion raids aren’t soloable

mythic nighthold was soloable towards the end of bfa. I was soloing normal bfa dungeons pretty early in bfa. freehold normal solo carries was a big thing.

i can still solo normal freehold now i haven’t tried legion raids yet.

Now that Blizzard claimed they fixed it, regardless of the fact that they clearly didn’t, I expect them to leave it as is. At least until it suddenly is stealth nerfed. The hotfix notes feel like trolling at this point.

The devs should care that this is how we feel about them and their product, guess as long as their pockets are overflowing, they don’t care.


It’s obvious it wasn’t the corruptions. Some bfa mobs still scale with item level too. Power scaling in old content is a mess at the moment.

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