The "Sad Tauren" trope and its effects

I wouldn’t compare it. The specific individuals comprising the elven leadership had done so within the Alliance before, although back in those days their stations had been beneath the Sunstriders and the Windrunners. They could be regarded as wayward Alliance without nearly the baggage the Forsaken had accrued in their turn (do you want Lor’themar AND Halduron AND Rommath who all admit Kael was insane, OR do you want Sylvanas and some guy who used to hang out with Kel’Thuzad), and from within Varian’s memory at that. Tauren don’t have the same background.

Sorry if it seems i necro’d this thread, but once again, I find myself with the irksome sensation of Baines “theme” being used once more to push the soft sanctimony of Ebyssian.

Like dude, there is literally no reason to not call out an out of tone remark if Sabellian crosses the line. You don’t need to put a sad face, a soft voice, and rumble yet again some complaint towards your feet.

You are their equal.
If two brothers misbehave, just smack some sense into them (as someone with a younger brother, this back and forth between Sabellian and Wrathion feels exactly as brother bickering).

Just don’t stay idle and adopt this weird centrism.
Grow a frigging spine.

This is giving me soooo many BfA Baine vibes yet again…
And it shouldn’t be the case. Ebyssian isn’t even a Tauren.

I’m growing a bit uncomfortable, because it all seems as the usual steps that Blizzard takes to promote a particular character. I’m totally picturing this as their attempt at having players want Ebyssian as the Blacks Aspect.

And I’m going to be honest, I DO NOT want this sort of character to represent the Black Dragonflight.


A dragon who’d spent 10k years among tauren, and had been the calm and wise spiritual guide and advisor to all their high chieftains without ever wanting exposition behaves like a tauren? What a shocker. /s

I personally like Ebyssian. He’s done good work so far helping Emberthal and scolding Wrathion and Sabellian for being idiots pursuing the legacy of hatred and death. He also did a lot in this patch, like saving Sabellian’s life and saving the entire niffen town. That’s already more than either Wrathion or Sabellian can claim to had done in this expansion.

I hope they make Ebyssian the next black dragon aspect, or have him suggest to instead form a council to lead their flight. Though I’d prefer the former. Ebyssian is pretty cool.

Not every black dragon needs to be an arrogant, egotistical control freak.


No, it does not.

But it should be a character that projects the qualities more often associated with said flight.

And Ebyssian, isn’t doing such at the moment.

He is being portrayed as yet another example of the Sad/Noble Savage trope, so characteristic of Tauren and Baine in particular.

Nothing about him is currently signalling his dragon traits.
He is being portrayed as yet another sanctimonious and soft teddy that cries around those that take more direct approaches even if they ultimately fail at some points.

For all his childish demeanour, and petulance, Wrathion did in fact halt Nzoth.
For all his stubbornness and egotism, Sabellian secured a future for their flight.

And now, Ebyssian is thrown in the middle of the two, with the lone purpose to put a sad face, pull on players emotional strings, and mop around the place while lecturing the two characters that at least actively tried to accomplish something. Both of which, have a few achievements under their belt.

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If you play vanilla wow - Tauren are VERY different race from what they have become after cataclysm.

They were always ready to kill when necessary, they were stoic, but never took offense lightly. They WOULD retaliate and were always proactive in important things.

Then we got Baine. And now every (not evil) Tauren is Baine. Including Ebonhorn.

That highmountain guy with eagles was actually pretty cool


Not at all, they got punked by Dwarves precisely because they were not ready to throw hands when necessary, and were so bad at throwing hands that Centaur almost drove them to extinction.

This is another one of those “Cairne was cool” things where people project what they want to see.

So what I like about dragon flight is that we get to see Baine be more than a sad puppy. He’s haughty, a bit petulant, and prejudiced (I mean, understandably so considering he was kidnapped by centaur as a small child and almost killed).

I want more of Baine being flawed. I don’t want him to be a pillar of morality and I don’t want every tauren character to act like him.

Reminds me of the crying indian “don’t litter” ad propaganda that presents a passive, reductive vision of native people.

I think the reason why we all loved Cairne was that he was active, kicked butt, and showed thrall compassion after thrall did the same to him. They had a believable friendship and it just worked.