Hello friends on Emerald Dream!
With the creation of the community council and inclusion of roleplayers, we’ve been given a golden opportunity to make our voices heard. To do this, we need to clearly communicate what exactly it is we want.
To this end I’ve created a megathread over on the WRA forums, which can be found here: ‘The RP Community Megathread’
I’d like for this to serve as one big repository where our representatives can go and see what exactly it is we’re looking for so they can communicate that to Blizzard. This thread is for everyone in the roleplay community, and players from MG and ED are strongly encouraged to lend their voices to it so our representatives don’t have to navigate across the forums to see what it is we want.
Please share this link around as well, the more input we can get, the better.
Edit: a huge thank you to Krokthar, Banshih, Jabtrah, and Rommal for putting together a Google Doc to help condense all of the requests!
https ://docs.google.com/document/d/1clLauPHROvrnkA2RsycwmHZlLlY6i2YWQOAwOsjn4FY/edit?usp=sharing
Still looking for input from ED! It’s extremely important we include you all on this conversation as well - your wants matter too.
(For some reason it won’t let me add a link to the post, so you’ll have to paste this into your browser. Sorry :/)
Hi everyone! Just a friendly reminder that if you have any ideas or feedback you’d like to give, please add a comment to the Google Doc or a post in the megathread (or both!)
Please continue to also watch the community council forums as well. Last I checked the RP post there had the second most amount of likes, right after the PVP thread. Let’s make sure we’re making noise and showing support!
I’ll be reaching out in-game soon to a couple people from the forums here. ED is unique in that it’s the main hub for RP-PVP and given the challenges the server has faced recently, it’s critical we get feedback from you guys.
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There’s no one here. There’s no rp pvp anymore. Clan Battlehammer is trying and they can’t get anyone but a handful of individuals. You’re trying to sell something to an empty house. You’re not from here, when world defense broke so did the server.
A decent idea. You’ll get a few people rummaging around. But nothing worth the time you’re spending to make these posts.
I definitely understand that. I’ve never played on ED and don’t know the intricacies of ED’s problems, but I’ve been browsing the ED forums for over a year and I’m somewhat familiar with the conversations that take place.
It’s no secret ED has faced challenges. I think that’s what makes it all the more important to include you guys in the discussion. ED was a big player in the RP-PVP sphere and has a unique perspective on what’s happened. I’m not expecting an outpouring of feedback or anything, but if I can get input from even one ED player I’ll consider this venture a success. It’s important to me you guys get a chance to speak.
You bring up a lot of great Idea’s, but I’m really not a fan of mounted combat ever being in the game. I know you said you wouldn’t put it in what i assume is instanced combat, but this would make wpvp unbelievably trash.
Blizzard killed this server with the introduction of phasing and warmode, two things that heavily dampened the gnitty gritty atmosphere of the world. The beauty of RP on ED was that combat wasn’t dictated by rng heavy d20, but instead ingame pvp prowess. The better player(s) will always be victorious.
The state of the game also doesn’t really help either, the glory days of ED was when there was 1 honor set and 1 conq set, everyone played on an even playing field; on top of that the honor gear was only 10% weaker than conq gear. Nowadays you need to hit duelist (something casual ED players never really cared for, most people only cared for duels/guild v guild stuff) even if someone was 1800 (rival I 252) they would still be at a 7ilvl disadvantage to someone like me. Allowing me to get not only get more cooldowns with my CDs, but play greedier with my CDs since I know I can’t die as fast. The sad thing is that most players wouldn’t even have 1800, putting them at even more of a disadvantage.
Want to fix ED/Rp-pvp? Combine every single low pop rp server into one, and make it RPPVP. At the same time Blizzard needs to remove Warmode and the ability to phase players in and out of the server. I think the only exception to this phasing rule should be to other rp servers. This solves a lot of the servers issues besides our population. A new ED NEEDS players to actually rp with rather than just heavily relying on rp events. Not having people to just walk up and rp within a city is pretty boring. Population really just effecting player interaction as a whole.
It’s good to see the community come together, move past anger, and right onto bargaining. Progress!
I really wish this community had better interpersonal skills.
Hire a military historian. In BfA we had the Orcs leading the assault on Stromgarde, despite their supply lines and capital city on Kalimdor and the Forsaken leading the assault on Darkshore despite supply lines and their capital city on Eastern Kingdoms. Which is possible for an army to do, but, Saurfang and Sylvanas were/are the two most experienced commanders on Azeroth. Seems an odd decision if thought about for even a moment when writing.
I don’t think it is uncalled for to have a better reason for giving the alliance both Darkshore and Stromgarde than, “Well it was their land before so we figured it was right to say they won the battles.” I don’t have a problem with them winning only that the excuse makes myself and I can imagine others feel cheated.
Give Stratholme to the Forsaken. The city is cursed, the scourge came back once, the fire is magical. The Argent Crusade did great work. Make the city unsalvageable or uninhabitable by the living. I have no doubt the elves would help them take it as the pass into ghost lands and into their harbors would be directly protected as a result.
Let me know how I can help.
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Thanks Hydro!
please feel free to share the Google Doc or the link to the megathread with anyone you know at ED who would be willing to provide feedback and suggestions. Editing on the doc is closed, but you’re able to comment on it. If folks aren’t comfortable with using the doc the megathread can be used, or they’d be welcome to send me mail in-game with their thoughts.
Thanks for considering us Emerald Dreamers in your work.
I think the biggest positive change for the community would be to have RP realms exclusively CRZ together as originally planned.
The proud warriors and heated rivalries of Emerald Dream are history now. Warmode, phasing, crz all helped with its demise but that is for another thread.
I would love to see the old days of MOP, and before come back. Those days were what drew me into Emerald Dream, and I would love to see it again.
Best of luck.
Ultimately I don’t think we’ll see blizzard fix the issues that ended a whole genre of content. I don’t even think ED or any of the RPPVP scene would ever get any sort of representation either, we have literally no one to represent us because 99% of the rp community never partook in any sorts of rppvp.
Maybe wrath can reintroduce it, but we’ll see.
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Man I really miss the rp-wpvp on our server
Happy holidays everyone! Hope you all have a good holiday season, whatever it is you may celebrate.
Not expecting anything with the community council until the new year, so there won’t be much going on with the megathread until then. I’m hoping we will get some kind of feedback from Blizz.
Thank you once again to everyone who made the megathread possible! Really excited to see what happens in 2022.
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