The road to 1800

I got my ksm a few days ago. The mount is awesome


If you need a healer let me know. Got baby IO ATM around 1700.

doors of perception?

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It shows you’ve been offline for like 16 days so I didn’t know if you were still playing or not lol. Should’ve just messaged you anyway.

Yeah I usually stay offline. I jump on after work on the weekdays around 5est. Just send a message.
I need to start showing online more lol

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Sort of. Lol The band technically, but their name was inspired by that poem!

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Godspeed sir.


I keep reading this name with the “Stelio Kontos” song in the background.

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He’s my favorite MMA fighter. Lol

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Vitor Belfort was my favorite for the longest time.

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I watched Fedor fight this dude with half his nose hanging off his face for several rounds where the guy hit his nose as often as he could. His face looked like a pot of spaghetti but never phased him. I fell in love instantly. Lol

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Old ufc was awesome. Brutal, but awesome.
The no weight categories made for some interesting fights.

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yes you can climb. i play healing build and climb.

1800 is hard in RSS because starting at 1000 half of your games are against RMT boosters selling ratings as a team in voice, in the same match.

Captain’s Log day 1: went 6/6, the routine ‘tunnel the healer and give zero support’ scenario–but an Aussie Warrior called me trash and I got to whisper after the match and make fun of him for going 2-4, so it sort of balanced out.

Going to test tonight to see if NA players are more apt to peel a DH/DK off me than Aussie players. Will check back with results.

I will watch out for these boosters and let them know you’re on to their schemes. Keep fighting the good fight.



You’re going to be 2k+ rating after you finish your placement games!


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Fedor was so good. His speed and power at heavyweight were incredible, never took steroids/trt, and often fought guys that were far larger than him. He will never get the credit he deserves though so he didn’t do it in the UFC.

Nice. I just got my lock 1800 and noticed every single match now is full of frustrated people blaming each other for losses. Wasn’t like that when I originally pushed my DK, maybe every once in a while someone would say something. This time it was literally every single match lol.

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I was rooting so hard for him to get a UFC contract back when he was still in prime fighting condition. Wanted to see him crush Lesnar. Lol

Yeah, Ima probably have to disable chat when I queue. I get pretty mad when a DH/DK jumps on top of me and my DPS just run past and ignore it. Lol

What is the mount?

giant ice lizard dinosaur that is bigger than the dragon mounts

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