The Ripcord has been pulled!

how did they screw you over lol

Yep I agree. I’m done. I’ve played since the game launched for years and this is just a tactic they use constantly with the more recent expansions.

WoW is dated. People who care about these meager attempts to draw people back are addicted and/or newer to the game and still in the honeymoon phase to where they can’t say bad things because they’re mesmerized by the sheer amount of content the game actually does have new and old.

Veterans, like myself have seen it all and after experiencing this type of behavior from the developers time and time again are finally saying enough is enough with our wallets and moving onto new games with better systems, better gameplay, and better graphics. World of Warcraft is dated and no amount of new polygons and texture packs are going to make it less aged. They need to move onto a new game, a new MMO, and being Warcraft back to it’s roots.

They could totally have competed with Lost Ark with a Diablo MMO or New World if they stuck out Project Titan as it was supposed to be (not Overwatch).