The revival of ... The Legion!

As we know, we already united together & defeated the Legion in … Well ‘Legion’ and crippled their pillars of order and power on a grand scale.

However …

If the Burning Legion were to be revived as a terrible and grim threat to the cosmos and Azeroth once again — How would you do it? :thinking: In terms of writing pillars and whatnot too.

:diamonds: For instance:

  • Who are the prime leaders of this reborn Legion?
  • What’s the minor objectives and major objectives?
  • What are the ranks of peoples and/or demons invading made up of …
  • How did they come to be recognised or reintroduced to the denizens of Azeroth?
  • Are there any terrible crimes or woeful attrocities that will be established in their unsuspected revival and surprising arrival? (eg. City befallen and citizens slaughtered or captured en masse & used as fuel towards a new dark portal)

:sparkles: {Dramatically activates fel-fueled dark portal to unleash army of the best lore-forum-posters into thread} :sparkles:

This is meant to be a more-or-less fun idea thread, so let your imagination run wild and post your stories of how the Legion would arise again once more! :smiling_imp: … Into the comments bellow! :partying_face:


The Burning Legion will become our ally for our fight against the Void :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


We know the Legion is separate from fel, so I expect something will appear in regards to demons and fel


If the Legion were to be revived, here’s what I’d do – going off your list.

Prime Leaders: Mannoroth the Destructor & Lord Jaraxxus

Minor Objectives: Retake Argus from the Army of the Light and Argussian Reach. Once this is done, rebuild the infrastructure destroyed in the initial siege on Antorus and figure out a way to make a machine capable of speeding up the demonic resurrection to replace Argus the Unmaker’s soul. alongside spreading out across the worlds lost to them once more. Rebuild the Shadow Council on Azeroth. Begin work on making new demon types via forcing Fel ‘evolution’ onto any wildlife of Argus. Turn Elekks into something like the Ultralisk from Starcraft but even stronger with fel empowerment, or even produce something like the Zerg Scourge and Banelings.

Major Objectives: Invade Outland once more and seize it to suck up whatever resources it still has. With both Alliance and Horde leaving it en masse and no longer really paying attention to it, resistance should be extremely little, and it’d be extremely unlikely for word to get back to Azeroth in time provided they can successfully blockade the Outland Dark Portal and invade fast enough.

What are the ranks of peoples and/or demons invading made up of: Same as usual, save for potentially new demon types like the examples I’ve listed.

How did they come to be recognised or reintroduced to the denizens of Azeroth?: An invasion on Azeroth hitting the minor zones neither faction has any real power in such as Tanaris, Un’goro Crater and Uldum and from there, and draining the life from the regions with Fel to such an extent they become irreversibly damaged (fel) radioactive wastelands – uninhabitable. The life consumed will empower the revived Legion in its renewed march, until they become too powerful to stop. From their positions in Tanaris and Un’goro Crater, they’d begin to turn the Silithid they capture into full on demons. Qiraji too if they catch any.

Are there any terrible crimes or woeful attrocities that will be established in their unsuspected revival and surprising arrival?: Yes. Several cities and towns will be pummeled into the dust; the two most notable being the city of Thunder Bluff and Boralus, alongside other locations like Feathermoon Stronghold and Stonemaul Hold.


NGL, given Blizzard’s current writing habbits – I can kind of see that happening :joy:

Yeah 100%

Honestly I’d be cool with that.

Even if it was a new-born faction from the ruins of the Legion, just as big & powerful made up of warlocks, fel-infused races and immense magnitudes of demons who all want their own cake and eat it too; but not for the sake of their former affiliation the Legion’s goals — but simply their own.

… Actually it’d be cool to see a multiple few demonic / fel / chaos factions arise from the ashes of the Legion; especially if they’re all powerful and still immense threats each in their own rights.

Imagine having them do expirements to make them monstrously larger, to carry warbands & such … Like the oliphaunts from Lord of the Rings — But fel! :scream:

Additionally, the rest of what you wrote is a pretty sound plan for a Legion-revival plan :partying_face:

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That’d be cool and honestly more sensible for a Elekk then the Ultralisk, but I’m a fan of the Zerg so I can’t help but show my bias a little bit.

Thanks. I can probably come up with sound revival plans for most if not all other villains / rogue galleries, tbh. I’ve always been of the opinion that Warcraft should actually retain villains rather then scrapping them the expansion or patch they’re released.

If they get Oliphaunt-like Fel Elekks, then later capture & corrupt the Silithid & Qiraji — You could have the Elekks unleash zerg-like beings from the enormity of their holdings on their body and pursue war like no other :open_mouth:

Me too!!!

Legitimately though!!

They should go back to the ole’days of writing style where they write villains of grand magnitude and even though we overcome them – Reveal they’re not ‘defeated’ but merely setback & will eventually return later … :face_exhaling: But yeah.

So honestly I’d LOVE if there were numerous fel & demonic factions along with others from the nether all arising & arriving in Azeroth in masses (due to both its significance, powers and resources to be utilised or worked with). :dracthyr_nod:

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Sometimes I wonder if we would have been better off not permanently defeating the Legion story wise. Instead of sealing Sargeras away, the Titan’s just “banish” him from Azeroth before departing to fight their fallen brother and the Legion in the wider cosmos. They leave behind the children of Azeroth, making it clear that this is not over and that Sargaras will be back, and that the Horde and the Alliance need to get ready for the final showdown coming “soon” (Read: many expansions later).

Like, you could milk hundreds of stories from just “The Legion found a new way into Azeroth!” or “The Legion is attacking another innocent world, hop through the Dark Portal and go help them!” or “A new demon cult is on a crusade the bring forth the Legion, stop them!”

The Burning Legion should have been a genuinely persistent foe. They have been described as literally Azeroth’s “arch-nemesis” in the past. They could have their hands in so many pies.

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It might be interesting for Sargeras to go to get the band back together only to find one Sire Denathrius has taken control of a large portion of his army through his Dreadlord servants. Where Argus had been the heart of Sargeras’ legion, the broken world of Nathreza has taken up that spot under Denathrius.


It is kind of hard to see the Legion make a convincing come back alone.

It reminds me of the Empire and the Imperial Remnants in the old Star Wars Expanded Universe. The Imperial Remnant wasn’t what it once was. It became a threat sporadically under crazy circumstances- they found an old Death Star factory, or they found an ancient abandoned fleet, or some mistreated mastermind in the B team was finally able to take command, like Thrawn.

The Legion might have to join forces with someone to be relevant. Either join us against other threats, or join the other threats.

I think the DHs and Warlocks should canonically recruit some of the wayward Legion. They could over see a Legion Remnant that has decided to serve in battle rather than be killed or imprisoned.

Meanwhile, maybe Azshara can collect a Rogue’s gallery of left overs to raise a new army. If she could subjugate Denathrius and the Dreadlords, command the scattered Legion, AND take command of what ever Void forces are left after we are done with them.


Dreadlords and their affiliations:

:thinking: It’d be quite interesting to see much more than expected of Dreadlords who had originally intended to join X faction for wider-scope of plans (by having their hand in each pie) to fully integrate & join said-factions of their own free will.

  • It’d be really interesting story-telling to reveal considerable unexpected amounts of Dreadlords at having plans for them to originally infiltrate — but ultimately turned those Dreadlords towards ACTUALLY becoming loyal to those causes and forsake Denathrius for their new ambitions and allegiances, having either found enlightenment in such cosmic force or truly believing in whatever(s) cause.

:diamonds: Honestly it’d probably help patch up a lot of the inconsistencies or retcons in lore that was created from Shadowlands, that currently has people scratching their head still – Such as Lothraxion.

Lothraxion-lore to provide clarification for —

  • A book found in Revendreth mentions a nathrezim converted to the Light, which seemingly refers to Lothraxion, and that his true loyalties may not ultimately lie with the Light … :open_mouth:
  • However, the existence of the Lightbound, who seemingly have their negative emotions and feelings purged for the most part, and Xe’ra’s ability to apparently easily gaze into and search the soul of others — Implies it would at least be very difficult to hide their intentions and maintain their former ambitions, especially against such beings as the Naaru (and a prime one at that)

So providing the lore that either Dreadlords are beings born from numerous realms crafted from ‘The First Ones’ (and not just the naughty kids of Denathrius & the Shadowlands) or that they formed their free-will outside of Denathrius — would help smooth over all that for sure. :dracthyr_nod:

Chronicles does mention that the First Ones originally faught amongst themselves and from that fighting the cosmos and most life was formed. Eventually they banded together and created what we learned about in SL

Could be the Dreadlords were created by the First One who had command over Shadow/Death magic and Denatharius either co-opted the dreadlords or the book in Revendreth is a manipulation of the Dreadlords to keep the real truth from getting out

Thats just my personal little headcanon take on the matter

Honestly & personally speaking — I rather despise with seething hatred on the lore of the First Ones, alongside the major part of lore and retcons made from Shadowlands in general. lol :joy:

But yeah that’d be alright :thinking: As for your “personal little headcanon take on the matter” – I mean yeah it’s rather plausible and without further information yet; speculating and forming ideas as a “Perhaps this?” — is all we can really do in the meantime. :person_shrugging:

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I’ll be honest, I used to loathe the idea of the First Ones, but they aren’t the problem the more I think about it. What I hate about SL was the whole Everything was once robotic until life got it’s grubby hands on everything and made them fleshy



I mean it’s an afterlife expansion … It’s meant to be spiritual, mystical, ethereal and ETERNAL – Not some 3D printed machine-realms ran by freaking robots, that is extremely & nihilistically entropic. :unamused:

  • Hoping the Shadowlands was actually just 'The Inbetween realm ’ that 'ThE fiRsT oNes ’ had actually created as a more or less safety barrier from the true afterlife - To prevent the ACTUAL potential of both death (necromancy etc) and life (wild gods & loa such as Hakkar).

Honestly Shadowlands was like an arrogant atheist on methamphetamine wanted to force their own belief take into the canon of the game. lol


My personal theory is that the 7th force that was locked away was the cosmic force of Death. It being the only force that can’t be truly defeated, since everything has to die eventually.

So the First Ones locked it away and made they own Perfect Death Realm of what they thought death should be and how it should operate. Would explain why everything was so…well orderly and why every afterlife seems to have a very specific purpose or niche

But like I said, just a fun little theory of mine.

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:thinking: From my understanding it was that the First Ones bled their forms into their very creations throughout the cosmos & various realms — Ultimately sacrificing their immense powers in the process; but are still unquestionably eternal in their nature & thus will eventually return either via:

  • After immense due time :stopwatch:
  • If the cosmic-force of their representations reigns cosmic supremacy :fist:
  • And / or after the majority calamity-collapse of said-cosmic force :boom:

… Or at least least that’s what I was told, but it all seemed pretty plausible at the time; so I just took it as face-value canon :joy:

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Fel is meant to be chaos. Without a Titan forcing them into order they should be running wild doing whatever they want. They shouldn’t be a unified group with a command structure or unified goals or anything.

Demons can still be dangerous, but they shouldn’t be the threat to all life in the universe they once were.

The nice thing about the legion is that it’s inherently chaotic. It took a Titan to organize it. So, there’s sure to be warbands all across the cosmos fighting with each other, and also us if we find them.


Agreed, though I would also like to add to your point – it didn’t just take a Titan to organize it, Sargeras specifically went to the Eredar because he needed additional aid in doing so. He formed the Burning Legion and they all obeyed his commands and likely would again should he break free, but the Eredar were recruited specifically to lead the Legion.

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