Galliwix will finally be a featured villain. What do you think?
You didn’t post a Doron video? Slipping
That video makes too much sense I’ll be upset if he’s not right. It makes so much lore retrospectively better. Including some of the worst lore.
They better not make Gallywix an actual villain. He’s the last fun character we still have. Plus that dude is WAY too genre-savvy to pick a fight with the champions of azeroth.
I like to imagine he’d be the only villain to realize that directly pissing off both the Alliance and Horde has never worked out for anyone so instead he comes back as someone both factions have to begrudgingly work with by making us a deal we can’t refuse.
It’s kind of funny how reasonable the author’s theory was, but I don’t see Blizzard ever marketing Galleywix of all characters as a big bad. Maybe he could be a villain, but the best he’d ever get would be to get killed off in one of the zones’ leveling questlines.
Your “pirate expansion” leaks were better.
I see him more of a recurring villain that screws things up, annoys everyone and dissapears, every now and then.
Gallywix busts into Stormwind Keep in a giant robot mech
Hops out
Wipes a booger on the throne
Hops back into the mech and flies off before anyone can stop him
That would be the best cutscene in Warcraft history.
So what’s his mechanic? He stands on top of a mailbox and asks for 1 million gold from players or else he one-shots them?
Honestly an option to skip the Gallywix bossfight by giving him an absurd amount of gold so he’ll just leave would be single most hilarious gold sink ever implemented.
That twist theory about Mimiron’s laboratory under Undermine might fit the plot as we encounter Mimiron’s other children, the Earthen. Likely the Machine Speakers would seek information on it’s whereabouts after we help them with their Kobold troubles.
As a thalassian elves, the Amani are only for stabbing and burning. They have no other uses. They should not be allies to Silvermoon.
I mean the ones from Kezan.
I suppose they’re acceptable in principle, but I still want to stab them, it takes great self control to not stab trolls that don’t even look like the Amani. They know this, it’s not a big deal. Don’t tell Talanji though.
Damn Zandalari. I know what they did during the troll wars.
looks around for hidden talanjis
Never liked his character. Id be okay with this
He makes for a great instigator though. He’s such a good plot device that makes things go wrong.