The resolve Trinkets


For Tracking.

Also, Echoing Resolve and Hardiness Negate one another.

Edit: Uploaded a WA I made


Pro tip: you can remove this buff with a simple kick, regardless of if they are casting anything and doesn’t rely on you interrupting them.


Not entirely sure but I think roots proc echoing resolve, and I assume eat the buff. Think I had a pld immune every single trap off harpoon one game.

So easy to abuse vs hunters til everyone is rocking a weak aura for it/mes puts it in his pack that everyone seems to use.

Yeah, it’s another random buff I added to my flyPlateBuffs. I know there’s other addons you can use to track stuff above nameplates but I still prefer it over the alternatives :yum:

Not sure if blanket kicking air is always gonna be a pro move

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It is if your target is attempting to avoid a stun you need to land :man_shrugging:

Weren’t these part of the “A New Deal” quest the first week? Now it seems the are only purchasable for conq.

I noticed that with the new Devouring Malediction Trinket

The resolve trinkets/resonator remained on the quest for me after i chose Aegis last week.

humans and orcs cashing in fr

Looks like they moved 2 of them to the vendor, and the quest still rewards 3.

Both confounding and disappointing.

Still not sure what the verdict is on value

Sitting 9.6s Saps isn’t pleasant for starters

It seems powerful right now when nobody knows to watch for it, but seems like it can be easily abused once people are aware.

Once people know to clear the effect its just giving them 20% increased cc duration + no trinket.


Still it has the potential really mess up resources and timing for people.

Makes me wish Rogues didn’t have that conduit that reduces cheap shot cost by nearly half

Don’t get sapped.

Hope this helps.

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This. I had planned on saving my conq and haphazardly chose the bomb trinket week one, knowing I would eventually quest for the others. Overall it’s not game breaking, but an annoyance to be sure.

Please tell me Cosmic Aegis wasn’t moved to the vendor… I deeply regret not grabbing it last week if that is the case :unamused:

Aegis is on the quest, along with the two cc trinkets.

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I plan on Spiritwalker’s Grace + Ultimate forming every game lol

Idk much about ele sham but I know i can virtually never sap rsham due to dwayne. Hope there’s some kind of useful application to that for you.

Personally I’d use windshear for +combat since it’s off gcd. Or other more available non-crucial, non-interrupts that are on the gcd. if I was worried about saps mid game. But i’m sure you know all of this. Genuinely interested in the trinket though. Seems like it could have some really fun outcomes. Esp for orcs.

Seems like Sarena tracks it now too

can someone explain to me how this trinket work

i bought it. used it. was immune to CC during my buff duration. but it wasn’t always doing this. for example a frost DK procc’d it with his aoe stun, and proceeded to dragon stun/cap stun by his healer despite me having the buff. so it didnt protect me despite the buff.

then I noticed, enemy warlock have this buff after I proc it with my stun. he then proceeds to spam unkickable spells at me over and over.

what is the reset duration on it? i dont udnerstand