The renown grind needs to go for when 9.2 launches

You need to clear the entire raid on mythic. That is BS.

It’s not account wide and will be useless by the time you unlock it.

^ This. For new players, everything is new. In fact, it’s the content they bought the game for in the first place.

Considering how much people complain about “lack of content” on this forum, people sure seem eager to remove content from the game for new players.

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I think people didn’t get how the item will work, there will be conduit farm as always new Ilvl and the max ilvl 278 will be provided by bosses on Mythic, High M+…etc, the item that was datamined that requires 1 achievement from 3-4 types will be a bad luck mechanism to unlock all conduits at that level.

That’s what i got from PTR and news around this item, so basically same grind but Blizzard provided a bad luck mechanism from start.

But they STILL QUIT BREWA. The content SUCKS!

New people have always quit, back in 2010 Blizzard stated that 70% of new players don’t make it to level 10, even.

WoW just isn’t for everyone. Most people who try it out aren’t looking for something like WoW in the first place.

It’s just like how lots of people couldn’t/can’t figure out Dungeons & Dragons because it doesn’t have cards or a game board. They’d give it a try and be like “wth is this?”

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Brewa it’s right, it´s new but a game like WoW has so many type of players and a lot of players don’t like this systems because it feels like 3-4 branches of things to do compared to previous expansions on which any character just required Level Up / Gear and maybe a questline for a legendary item depending on the expansion.

There was a lot of pvp players during MoP that never did dailies because you can just spam BGs, Arenas, Duels around the pvp vendor.

Yea, see I don’t raid. So I don’t plan on getting highest ilvl conduit. Blessing or curse?? no farm. I actually think this will be changed, making it slightly more accessibly to more ppl later on. After guilds clear mythic, pvp heroes get their 2400 rating, etc. etc. (I think pvp 2400 rating gets it as well?) That will be one grind-nerf I support. Conduits in 9.2.

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The Night Elf Mohawk, Ozzy Osbourne Prince of Darkness (Warlock)… William Shatner?? TV commercials are what made me a solidified WoW vet.
I wish I still had the Night Elf Mohawk grenades. Iconic to some, insulting to others. (Night Elf maybe /cancel)

I won’t quit, sporadic breaks are welcome tho!!

No it wont. And it doesn’t need to be account wide. Not EVERYTHING needs to be account wide. There has to be SOME reason to play your alt…

I was bored so i give it a try to another covenant, its not hard, and maybe its not that long, but its boring, even with the free 40lvls token.

Shaman necro (40), Priest necro (40), Paladin ventyr (40) then changed to kyrian (40) = 160 renown levels.

There WOULD be a reason. I’m on a new class. Wth is wrong with your brain lmfao?

STICK to classic.

the conduit upgrade item you’re referring to will also be available once you get elite in PvP, or 3k M+ rating (equivalent to 2400 M+ this season, since there are 2 new dungeons)

With that logic, why not make gear account wide too?

It’s an MMORPG. You NEED character progression. Not EVERYTHING can be account wide. Sorry.

Classic as in… classic wow? why tho. I did play classic. I got extremely bored of the sweat dripping from the rank 14 PvP overlords, and the raiders thinking they were actually in 2004-05 doing MC and → Naxx-- > AHQ (whatever other raids there were)… season of mastery?? no thx. I want that Onyxia buff from AFK

Yet you get 90% of the total covenant power by getting to 57 in each covenant, cutting the total renown you need to grind down to 68. You also get 7-9 renown by completing all the intro quests of your covenant, so I often leave a new sanctum at 49 renown. so total for 4 covenants is 32 renown.

It should be. Next question.

No, because if i need to raid tonight i cannot switch back to my lvl 80 covenant without losing my lvl 68 new covenant.

No it shouldn’t. I think you are looking for a MOBA type game and not an MMORPG.

??? what you talking about willis?

You need to be 80 renown in both covenants to switch freely. So no, its not only “64”