The removal of Death chakram feels horrible


Death chakram is one of my best buttons as a hunter. I can’t wait to press it and combo it with my other abilities.

I couldn’t care less about the “increases damage by 10%” component. It’s instant, it’s fun, great animation, it’s short-mid duration cooldown (45sec) so you can use it almost liberally.

This was not the right ability to prune. If you want to prune something, remove the “hunter’s mark increases damage” button. It’s horrible.

You removed double tap, and now death chakram, all for the grand purpose of “putting damage back into other abilities”

Well, I don’t think other abilities do “no damage” as it is. You’re taking away damage from great to press active abilities and pouring it into stupid things such as pack leader passives, sentinel and lunar storm.


Specifically as Marsman the loss of focus from this was also quite noticeable.


DC just bloated the Hunter openers then became a ‘use on CD’ button which had 0 interaction with our kit. Good riddance.


Death Chakram is a bad button, that damage and Focus can be baked into the kit elsewhere. Especially in current gear levels where the opener feels extremely packed full of GCDs due to really high stats, pressing DC usually meant another button was bleeding CD (especially BM).

It’s removal is a boon for Hunter overall, should make the CD windows much cleaner and easier to navigate.

I’m talking from a PVP perspective. It is an essential part of my burst and an ability I’m looking forward to pressing every 45 sec, because it acts like a DoT that deals damage while I’m channeling my rapid fire.

Buttons that “disappeared” for me when I transferred my character to the PTR:

Serpent sting: not regrettable
Death chakram: regrettable
Sentinel owl: not regrettable (baked into Volley now)
Steel trap: regrettable (in PVP only)
Wailing arrow: not regrettable

Overall, not too bad - 5 less binds, but Death chakram in particular will impact negatively my PVP experience.

Then ask for it to be brought back as a PvP talent.

It has no use in a PvE hunter’s toolkit except button bloat, and that’s coming from someone who likes Chakram.


IM disappointed to see Sepent sting and death chakram get pulled. Both of these abilities felt like good buttons in the survival kit.