The Reign [A] Recruiting

The Reign is looking for solid players to beef up our roster. We have cleared Heroic Battle of Dazar’alor and Crucible of Storms. Especially interested in strong ranged DPS, a healer, and possibly a tank. All capable raiders are welcome, though. We raid Wednesday, Thursday, and Monday from 9pm to 11pm EST.

We will go through a short trial period to see how well you do. We will be looking for decent outputs and good mechanics performance. We do not require 100% attendance and are willing to work with schedule conflicts. However, we ask that you be present as often as possible to learn fights and keep up with gear levels.

We are not a family friendly guild so if you’re looking for wholesome experiences you may end up scarred. We are, however, welcoming and try to keep things fun. If you are interested then please message Stoneagle, Skithiryx, Varteras, or Shraven.

i whispered everyone but no one is online. i will try again tomorrow @varteras