The red star in the sky box is MASSIVE when you are in (current timelime) Darkshore

Don’t know if anyone has posted about it lately but this red star has been a mystery box for a long time now.

At the end of Legion we “have to leave now” and we get on the choppa and get out of there.

But that tear in space that we opened up to Argus doesn’t disappear. It just becomes this “red star” (state anthem of the russian federation starts softly playing in the background)

Fast forward to right now. I’m in Darkshore (current timeline) and this sucker is bigger than I have ever seen it before. I can prove it with a screenshot but I’m also lazy.

Folks have pointed out that it hasn’t actually changed. Darkshore just has a darker sky so the red light sticks out more


That would make sense if I wasn’t constantly guzzling inky black potions like an alcoholic so… no.

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Ya lost me, what?

I am always under the effect of inky black potions. So my skybox is always darkest dark. It can’t get darker its a set skybox effect. and the red star is massive in darkshore current timeline. not so much anywhere else even though I also have inky black potion skybox effect everywhere else.

I think they mean this item.

The star is the same size, there is an entire sub-Discord dedicated to tracking it’s properties. It has not changed since Legion, so you will need to re-calibrate your sensory equipment.

do you want to actually check in game? I was just in darkshore doing my emissary and it was massive. I went back to boralus and it’s not even present in the skybox in Boralus. At all.

Check in game and come back here and tell us what you see pls.

Edit: checked stormsong valley. no longer visible there either.

another edit: try removing inky black potion and its still not there in the skybox. I am 100% sure I used to see the red star in stormsong valley.

I went ahead and checked in Darkshore, it appears to be the same size as always.

As for Stormsong and such, I can’t say that I’ve ever seen the Star in the skyline. I don’t recall actively looking for it, though.

I used a portal to Stormwind and saw the star in the skybox there, the same size as always.

Most likely your optical sensors are deceiving you. I make sure to get mine checked routinely. If you desire it, I can send you to a wonderful mechanic who will offer a discount at the mention of my name.

I found it. I finally found a screenshot in BfA, a BfA zone, with the red star. I hate you for making me actually do that right now. But I found it. Uploading it right now.

edit: imgur dot com/a/TSqiWeA

as you can see in the image, the BfA zone with the old screenshot shows a much smaller red star, and on the botton you have tonights darkshore current timeline red star, clearly much, much bigger. also the red star isn’t even visible in boralus or stormsong, the only 2 zones i could have taken that screenshot in originally when I was going to Mechagon island in the gnomish airplane.

Different skybox

different skybox but same planet. why is the star bigger in darkshore? why is darkshore that much closer to the star? its the same planet the distance between you and the star should not make it that much bigger now matter where you are on the planet.

also, the star is now gone in boralus and in stormsong, so how the hell did i see the star and take that old screenshot when i was in the gnomish plane going to mechagon. also you can clearly see the inky black potion effect in both screenshots.

edit: i’m not crazy look at the screenshots i uploaded side by side! how could i have taken a screenshot of the red star while i’m in a gnomish plane going to mechagon… and then tonight the star is just gone in both boralus and stormsong??? where did the red star go? why is it so much bigger in tonights darkshore than that old screenshot in the gnomish plane!!!

You’re correct. It’s inconsistent.

However… in your comparative photos, the red star appears lower/closer to the horizon in Darkshore than in the shot from Mechagon.

Maybe it’s intentional, and it’s Blizzard’s attempt at atmospheric lensing.