The idea taken on by a few guild leads to try and rebuild the Alliance side WPvP has become a movement and taken on a life of it’s own.
The “Rebel Alliance” has been growing the past few weeks thanks to the good people joining us for the CTAs.
We would love to have your guilds ride with us to battle it out with the Horde. So far we are in the process of nominating Tactical Commanders for the large scale battles and continuing our weekly joint patrols.
There is also an IC War Council in the works for the RP folks, a parade type event possibly.
Current Guilds involved:
Clan Battlehammer
Kul Tiras Marines
Salty Sea Doggos
The Pack
World PvPs Finest
Vigilants of Proudmoore
Coldridge Company
The Ashen Vale
Join us today! For the Alliance!