The reason the game became more anti-social had nothing to do with RDF

oh im pro LFD with teleports and cross server, if pop on some servers wasn’t awful id be less pro cross server. I full support an unchanged RDF.


As do I. I always put authenticity first. But if Blizz insists on changing it, the best solution is merge dead servers and remove cross-realm from lfd.

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while i prefer cross realm RDF i have zero issue with it being server locked if we merge servers. i feel tho that its just more steps for the same thing in essence. one way just removes automation.

Why should a player have to socialize to do dungeons? Some people just want to play the game. They shouldn’t have to talk to you to get access to that.


Some also are social. I have guilded chars in retail. I…discord them and non guild friends as I do my lfd runs. Not hating the people in my dungeon pull. Its just I got my friends in discord.

Also I am direct person who doesn’t use gosh and gee willikers. Some do not like this. that is fine. All got different upbringings and tolerances here.

so in game stuff I am more quiet. as I don’t want to deal with the “reported” police. there to get my run and done. Not create static. Boundaries respected there. if only to not see “reported” lol.

you say hunter lust on boss 3 I will say “okay, got it” in chat. I will not add yeah…I hate the (bad word that would be symbolled out by filter) boss too. so for in game comms…you get “okay”.

some choose who they are social with. Some also hate in game chat. Back in 2008…I was a TS and mIRC kind of guy. all through many years of eve, yep, TS and mIRC. Literally required by any crew I was ever in.

Better interfaces (subjective I know), better control (nice admin features here for those who get those sysadmin type duties), less hassles. You are in the channels that suit your needs and personality.

I don’t like cursing goes player x. well then this ain’t the channel for you. Welcome to TS now discord…many channels out there. Find the one you are comfortable in really.

Or stay in in game chat typing reported all night long. then wonder why chat is dead possibly.

You shouldn’t have to socialize to do group content?



what is RDF?
I am talking about LFD that was added in WotLK, isn’t that the same thing?
what’s the difference?

Not sure you fully understand what “pooring salt on a wound” actually means.
So to help you out, it means it didnt cause the problem. But helped show there is a problem and can/could make it feel worse. But it does not make the issue worse. Its like a big sign on the side of the highway saying turn here for Gas.

LFD wasnt added in Wrath, it was Random Dungeon Finder. But honestly potato patato.

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Ah yep thanks for clearing that up.

I say that you can’t make friends in it because it’s cross-realm, and a dungeon only takes 15 minutes before you never see those people ever again.
I hardly ever even spoke to people in RDF, and when someone spoke it was almost always to complain about something.

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I’m totally sure you dont understand what it means…

If someone or something rubs salt into the wound, they make the unpleasant situation that you are in even worse,of%20your%20failures%20or%20faults.

So you’re just wrong. :man_shrugging: It happens.

I never said my experience wasn’t anecdotal. But using “your” game experience to say how something was isn’t the best argument.

We have had LFD/RDF in the game for 10+ years and it goes through phases just like how TBC is.

New Expansion hits
First few months - everyone is social learning the fights, figuring out best routes, farming rep / gear socially the best, new guilds / friends are formed.
Next few months - mostly alts or people finishing up rep grinds. No one really needs to talk people know the fights, Tanks know where and how to tank. When someone deviates from the “normal way” of doing something, people lash out (LFD or not). You start seeing people drop over mistakes because by that time “everyone should know the fights”. Social experience on a heavy decline but can still find a guild and friends.
Next few months till the end of the Expansion - Auto pilot Only new players and people needed badges are running dungeons. If you are new you are getting the worst experience. You are trash if you make the simplest mistake. (TBC) - You have a hard time finding groups if you are new due to needing undesired dungeons for gear difficulty is increased if you are not a Tank/Healer class.

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This. If you allow players to treat other players like absolute garbage eventually you are going to, quite naturally, see many players simply avoid interaction. But sure, blame LFD.

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I asked why should you have to socialize to get access to dungeon content. Please, answer that question.

a lot of the social aspects of classic wow and classic tbc was forming the groups to do dungeons but that dies of at a certain point thats what made lfd great people could still do dungeons after most of the player base is raiding or quit.

the only people fighting lfd are run sellers and boosters along with some purists thrown in.

Are you really asking why someone should be social during a social activity?

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Why do I have to socialize to play baseball!!! This is nonsense and should be changed immediately!!! Expecting a person to have basic social skills to engage in social activities is just asking too much…

You know what’s funny, is players over in retail use the same exact argument they do here…

“If you don’t like flying, then just walk everywhere!”


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Overcoming constraints to accomplish goals is an important premise for success in all games.

Doesn’t mean every constraint needs to be micro managed and marginalized. Every bit has it’s place.

Yep, most gamers are not social butterflies. If we’re not running with guildmates or ‘regulars’, we aren’t looking to get into a “yackfest” with randos.

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Right, if anything the playerbase is more tolerant and understanding now…right?