The reason the game became more anti-social had nothing to do with RDF

I did many, many hundreds of random dungeons in the last year of Wrath. I could count on one hand then number of times a group fell apart because of a wipe. Or for any reason, for that matter. And players are much better now.

HoR was really the only time I can think of that gave groups any kind of difficulty. But even then was rare.

But if someone does leave, requeu and wait. Not a big deal.


I don’t find TBCC to be anti-social.
Yes I have been doing dungeons and heroics.

I agree /4 is not a good way to form groups, we should have something like a list.
But I am strongly opposed to the WotLK dungeon finder which throws cross realm randoms into a group and then teleports you to the dungeon.
It was extremely anti-social and sometimes toxic, I remember it well.

Attempting logic with ANti-RDFers doesn’t work.

All they will say is some form of “muh community” or “RDF kills social interaction.” because it’s their buzz phrase and that’s all they have.

Despite evidence to the contrary being literally on every server. :thinking: :woman_shrugging:

Community is already anti-social. People are already being toxic and going above and beyond with demands to do anything, everything’s already littered with spam for boosting services or other “Social” services you can purchase with gold. :rofl:

I’m convinced most of them are just trolls with no actual horse in the race, and just want to make other people angry.


Taking all of the agency of social aspects out of the game had a predictable result on the game. People stopped socialising. It starts with small quality of life changes that take agency from the players to find others and turns into tools like LFR. Old players already saw it happen once and now it’s happening again.

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Your experience is not the Overall game experience.

There is already a “socialized version” of LFG tool in the game, where you select what you want and look for others but it is Manual. And only a handful of people use it. So a better system, would mean automation. Thus LFD.

The solution would be “Connected Realms” it would fix server issues while not forcing merges and name changes, And add a larger group of people to the dungeon pool.

This is inevitable. No one “Shoots the :poop:” around a summoning stone for 20 mins it’s not a social interaction. Flying mounts negate that interaction. And with “connected realm” you would just teleport to the dungeon. Which also allows you to “Leave dungeon” in the event someone leaves/gets kick. And you return to where you were, which keeps people from leaving group because it’s not downtime. It’s just a better system.

Anecdotal as well. I remember it being pretty amazing which I played my pally tank. Players are anti social and toxic… the system is not, All the system did was give you access to a larger pool of players. But in any case with “Connected realms” your Ignore list would correct that toxic issue.


Standing in a major city spamming for groups is less love for the world since with RDF you could be in the world and find a group.


Yep thats my take as well.


and here lies the problem…professional WoW players (like this guy I quoted) don’t want to have to play with lesser skilled/lesser geared players (like me).

Make no mistake, the anti-LFD crowd knows full well that if LFD is released it will be how grouping is done most of the time and they will not stand by and have their valuable time wasted on “bags of potatoes”. And THEIR argument is LFD is anti-social…flimsy lie and complete joke.


Key words in BOLD there for you. Had and Stopped are all past tense. What ever reason you think led to the community becoming toxic is irrelevant because the damage has already been done.

As far as OLD PLAYERS. I fall into that category since I was 25yo when Vanilla came out and have been playing the game every since. So dont say all the olds seen it happen and its happening again when you was not there nor have any understanding why it happened in the first place. I was, I seen and it WAS NOT RDF…


If you need proof here is that character from Vanilla…

Not true when almost everyone plays on mega servers. If you are Benediction Alliance, for example, odds are most everyone else in your group would be from Bene too. I see this every time I queue for BGs.

guess what mate, every post on this forum is anecdotal including yours
that’s the point

we’ve had LFD in retail for 10+ years, we all know how it works and we all know its anti-social.

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Yea… That doesn’t make any sense. You literally contradict yourself in subsequent sentences

If RDF exacerbated the issue (even if it didn’t create it on it’s own) then that… is having an effect. Saying it made the issue worse than IMMEDIATELY following that with a statement alleging it had "zero effect’ is pretty, we’ll say “silly”

Weird, final fantasy 14 has all these systems and yet people are still very social. Social to the point they even have gatherings at a fountain where bards play music to them as if its a concert.

Perhaps the problem is the wow players and not the feature.


sounds like a you problem, no reason you cant make friends in RDF. If you’re talkative and personable in a groups formed from LFG why wouldn’t you be the same in RDF? or its it just basic contempt?

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The only problem with the dungeon finder is it’s cross-realm. Remove that and it would be phenomenal for building server communities.

IMO, there is nothing WoW could have done to keep the community feeling.

No, RDF did not ruin that feeling.

Think back to 2009, we were moving into a completely different space on the internet. Smart phones are becoming wildly available. Everyone has the internet mobile and in their hand all the time. The internet and social media was no longer new and fresh and fun. It was turning old, stale, and angry. WoW just happened to be going on in the middle of that. Then twitter and reddit became wildly popular… Fast forward a decade… and well here we are.

Its insane for people to blame something so small and innocent as RDF on literally all of WoW’s problems… its WILD.


and functionally useless on low pop realms

Wow I can’t believe you just summed up all the reasons for wows downfall. Have you attempted solving all the worlds problems?

So it’s better to have no lfd at all? Of course not. Learn to compromise.

And a low pop server is still better off with lfd than without it. Even if it doesn’t have cross-realm.

But here’s a real simple solution: merge dead servers.