The reason it's impossible to win BGs as alliance

After a losing streak of ~20, I just can’t anymore.
EVERY SINGLE game I played had multiple small horde teams including a healer and 1-2 dps. It’s easy to spot, you just have to count the number of team leaders on the opposing side. The count is usually 3 or 4.

It’s simply unplayable. If you fix premades, at least do it properly and don’t offer 5 man teams instant queue. I had a >50% winrate at the very beginning of p2 and now can’t win a single game anymore, don’t tell me it’s on shams alone because even if there isn’t any we still lose. And yes alliance is calling/rotating in AB etc… it doesn’t make a difference we get completely steamrolled all the time by those rank 7 wathever with their pocket healer.

maybe you being the common denominator in all these losses is a sign


Except as I said I had a >50% winrate at the beginning of P2, then it went downhill.
There is something wrong with matchmaking, if this isn’t the issue then you’ll have to explain it to me.

Idk whatever team I’m on usually wins

You realize your team also has 3-4 groups as well. They are just bad. The problem with alliance is after one skirmish at blacksmith if they lose they just afk. Horde knows this so we send 10-12 to black smith. Win the clash and 4-5 alliance afk and flame I’m guessing. Flawless strat.

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every alliance player has streamer syndrome so they do half pushes into nodes then retreat at the first sign of pushback because they’re more concerned about kdr then winning

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I actually took the count on both sides and while alliance also had some, they are very few and I suppose it’s due to the fact that you get very short queue whether you tag solo or as a team.

It’s definitely way more common on horde side.

Also, as I said, alliance actually tries to win most of the time (calling incs, rotating, …), but they still lose and put the blame on shams for some reason.

Its not as brainlessly simple as you are making it. Horde are better pvp players, imo, but its also the faction classes are not balanced and neither are the racials.

This is actually a west vs east gamer mentality. As somebody whose played MOBAs semi professionally you see this a lot. Playing with a bunch of Korean homies really opened my eyes to how competitive gaming is supposed to be IF you want to win at a high rate, it’s more like real life sports where you need to have good teamwork and reliability on each other where western gamers often like to play hero ball.