The real reason GDKP is attacked

I never said you could.

You need to take reading comprehension classes.

Nope, Faerlina.

It’s too hard for 95% of wow players to this day, including you.

but yeah its not very hard.

In fact, I’d love to see a video of any raid clearing Naxx 40 in pre-Naxx bis, with 0 consumes or world buffs.

No it’s not. It’s just annoying.

They cleared NAXX in HC bro.

It’s not hard.

They also consumed and world buffed.

Knowing how to consume, living with WB while full pumping, being in position is something you have admitted to not doing.

Thus until you do it - it is confirmed too hard for frostfire.

Well you may as well not play TBC Because near everything there is more demanding in pre-nerf configuration assuming you’re not out gearing it.

Knowing that FRESH turns into TBC in less than a year; perhaps you’re playing the wrong game.

Yea you xfered off.

MC was too hard for you.

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You really need to stay in school to fix that reading issue you have.

Those players are also far better than you.

This isn’t my main or even my 3rd alt bro.

I had like 10 characters.

Sure you do.

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None of which did a single naxx clear

5 of them were rogues.

All 10 of them were bad

What is your point?

My main past time was ganking lowbies. Not sure I need NAXX gear for that lil bro.

You prolly did.

Idk how you even green parse as a frost mage, you press frostbolt until it dies. Surely you’d blue parse even without consumes/world buffs. I know I got purples/oranges without world buffs.

I don’t as you will find out.