Doing about the same damage as they did in Naxx 60 but VS level 80’s with literally 10X the power factor kek.
Cool, you didnt read literally anything beyond “instead of banning GDKPS” and you replied with “Cry harder” which I’m just going to ignore you.
Just proves the point that the anti-GDKPers just do not understand the situation and not willing to see an another sides argument.
Yea, you just didn’t want T3 because you couldn’t clear it.

The bosses hp was the same as it was at level 60, the mechanics were easier
lol yeah that’s what they said
I never wanted T3 it looks bad.
Mhm /10char
It looks like a clown suit.
I got T2.5 and dominated everyone in duels.
Also had TOEP.
You played warlock. I’m sure you double vw sac’d and dot rotted with the best of them.
Yep the warriors got melted. It was great.

Just proves the point that the anti-GDKPers just do not understand the situation and not here to see an another sides argument.
Having engaged them since the start of the gdkp ban in SoD I can only conclude there are two groups:
- people actively benefiting from gdkp ban - the gold sellers that run bots
- people who don’t know how to pve and thus don’t get invited into gdkps and they think with ban there will be more SR / groups for them
The first it makes sense that they would give some incoherent replies, but the second is shotting themselves in the foot and won’t listen to any reason.
GDKPs still banned after your posts here.
Your server economy and pug scene will suffer despite our posts here.
They seem fine.
We keep talking about later phases because that’s when it starts to matter.
But then you scream about not caring.
I will get into pugs and get loot and do minimum effort again like I did before.
They hate GDKP because if it exist then fewer players are gonna be gold buyers as demonstrated by FRESH having more gold buyers with less players than in Classic 2019 due to the fact that pugs are the biggest buyers of gold / take the path of least resistance.
The path of least resistance in Classic 2019 was GDKP for making gold.
The path of least resistance in Classic Anniversary (FRESH) is to buy gold.
Hence GDKP harms the bottom line of the Gold sellers and Botters; the same people who troll and are so vocal using avoidance and emotional projection instead of arguments of logic and reason.
They’re emotional because GDKP harms their bottom line in turn their RL bank accounts in turn how much they have to spend that month.

No, I am happy there are SR / MS > OS pugs for players that just want to chill and not pve min maxing.
But it is sad for your own players that you want to ban the system for the min maxers that has carries in it.
Yes I wanted to ban the system for min-maxers and did.
I had a character named bangdkps before they did it.
I directly contributed to it.