The real reason GDKP is attacked

And yet items on the AH go for just as much as the high end items in GDKP’s.

Dang you’re a gross person to play with. But you did pick the one class that doesn’t have 5+ BoEs to buy off the ah as part of your pre-bis/actual bis.

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Make toon → get bis with LC guild → run GDKPs / pvp

Now the strat is make toon → get bis with LC guild → quit

Good job.

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Those 3-5 items that were mentioned are the only ones going for that.

That’s a massive improvement to dozens of items from multiple raid tiers going for that

Our guild was great. We cleared everything.

No world buffs or consumes really.

You don’t need pre-bis bro. You just get whatever drops and it will work.

That might be your strategy, but it’s not mine, play the game to have fun, that’s the point.

Everything is not just a transaction.

The pro-GDKP posts are nothing but hypocrisy and inconsistency. You got some saying that only hardcore raider mains do it. You got some saying it’s only for alts. You got some saying it causes inflation. You got some saying it lowers prices.

They can’t make up their mind on anything. They just throw darts at a board and hope something sticks. This is what happens when what you’re saying isn’t founded in reality, reason, or logic.

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Right further proof the people whining about GDKP’s have no clue what they’re talking about, or are just actively lying.


Show me no WB / consume naxx logs.

AQ40 is way more forgiving than naxx.

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Who cares about NAXX bro like most people quit playing before NAXX LOL.

From my perspective you play to micromanage others.

because we were having fun and you feel comfortable banning our system, I see you in all these threads trying to prevent others from enjoying the game as they want.

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That actually makes sense because the gold prices are high right? Just googled Nightslyaer gold and its like this. (per the google search bot)

$0.121561 / Gold

Because the AH prices are very comparable on Night Slayer VS Whitemane lets use WMC prices on Loot in Naxx as an illustration of why Gold sellers are likely to hate GDKP.

This means that Might of Menithil (assuming your economy on NS is stable from here out) Would cost $7901.46 Just for a single weapon, this does not include any of the other loot you need to make that weapon worth having.

Very few players can afford that kind of gold so they’re not likely to buy gold for GDKP runs if it were allowed on NS realm.

However while running GDKP the pay out in Naxx with NS’s very comparable Economy would likely be very similar at this point being around 10k per run.

So logically this dictates that non buyers are likely to GDKP when they can get that much gold without spending a single penny of RL cash.

I have run a sum total of 5 GDKP’s on Whitemane on my paladin, and they have all been really good runs that payed out what I thought was decently; 4 were ZG’s that have payed on average 700 gold with a single BWL that paid just under 2K.

I was for VERY long time very opposed to GDKP on era and thought for sure it was 100% the diver for inflation, but turned out I was wrong, and because I was wrong I am fully willing to admit I was wrong about that.

How do I know that I was wrong? Because GDKP has been banned on SoD yet SoD has more botters and less players than WMC.

How do I know I was wrong? Because FRESH has more botters and gold buyers per same timeline progression as Classic 2019 AND about the same state of AH prices as Whitemane that’s been around for about 4 years now.

The only thing I can see for sure is that GOLD BUYING = inflation, and no other force can create / destroy a server economy.

Another thing of note is that while GDKP is still allowed on WMC our economy has zero inflation at this point, the server is stable, we have activities in chat, the server community is growing again (slowly) and yet AH prices are stable all while GDKP exists from top to bottom for raids.

If GDKP were the problem and GDKP = gold buying then we should have a ton of botters and buyers yet we don’t.

Its by this reasoning that I know I was wrong about my former opinion on GDKP being fully the cause for gold buying like so many in this thread seem to think.

Point being that GDKP allows casuals the ability to Raid all content in a more serious way with better players, and allows them the ability to pay for their own consumables that they would otherwise need to farm, make or BUY GOLD, to afford them.

Most players it appears in NS are buying gold to buy the consumables; this is the most logical reason for the inflation.

If the players are not buying gold, then the botters cant sell gold. GDKP allows players a method to gain gold without buying it, farming it, crafting for it.

Gold sellers depend on the consumables market big time.

not even flasking in a raid is just rude bro :expressionless:

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No it’s not. It’s alpha.

Funny all the people say vanilla is braindead easy, yet have never cleared naxx

We know how much consumes start to cost and how it becomes impossible to play without gold buying or GDKPs by naxx phase, all these anti-gdkp players aren’t even raiders and want to destroy the game.

By the time naxx comes the game is lively if people are running old raids as GDKPs only the noobs quit because it gets hard and makes them feel bad.

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NaXX isn’t hard you just need consumes.

No one wants to farm that crap.

That is why most people quit before NAXX.

Show me your parses.

Naxx is easy but it still multiple times harder than the other vanilla raids


You must have hit your head bro. I said I didn’t use consumes or world buffs, of course my logs will be low.

Do you have a functioning brain?

We still cleared the raids. I still got loot.

So you got carried through naxx a few times and made excuses for not playing proper?

If most the raid doesn’t consume the bosses don’t die. That’s how it works.


OK your brain is damaged. When did I say I did NAXX?

Most guilds quit before NAXX.