The real reason behind the poor state of PVP

That’s one issue.

Another is making sub rogues unkillable while not nerfing anything else in their arsenal.

Seriously, why did rogues get a short immunity to DoTs and feral druids didn’t receive the same benefit?

I don’t think that’s even a major contributor. Arena and pvp in general is just a part of the game, so even if they let people skip leveling and skip gearing there’s still the keybind/ui convolution before we even got into comps and finding partners.


this is a tooth fairy level belief

You’re quite lost here, let me help you. No one is asking for anyone to be fired here, but the consequence needs to be on the table. You’re dealing in absolutes, which tells me you don’t have much to argue with. You’re also throwing very odd jokes, again, because you don’t have many tools to build an argument. And then we throw in the insult, which is another telling sign that you don’t have an argument.

I’ve played arena, at decent levels, for more than a decade. I have no problem with the MMR squish, because I’ve played against top level players for quite some time. I’ve never personally cared about rating. I play arena for competitive enjoyment.

This season is one of the few where I’ve walked away and refrained from queueing almost entirely. I play tons of alts in a normal season, and I honestly not invested in them at all. I cannot find the enjoyment I’ve had in seasons past. Whether it be a tough match I either win or lose, or a close match I made a huge play to take the win. It just isn’t there.

I’ll offer one scenario that makes me feel dissatisfied with the state of PVP. Playing into subtlety Rogues, where they can just consistently do fake goes with impactful damage. You generally have to sit your trinket until they go all in, or you die. Or they can trigger CDs at the end of the kidney and finish you off, before you can blink. The tools they have and the control they have are extremely oppressive. Add that to the damage they have and you have quite an unfun situation.

And then there are class/specs I like to play that aren’t successful, but that’s more of a personal issue.

Blizzard doesn’t care. People who care about PvP as a main part of the game are likely a very small percentage of their profits. The fact we barely ever get any new PvP content speaks volumes to this.

Because Feral will be on the next op list when they nerf sub rogues into the ground. Rinse, repeat with a different class. They do this to keep the rerollers interested…aka subscribed. Keep dangling that carrot. Ever notice how a different class gets overpowered every patch while the last one gets nerfed? You think that is not be design? They do this literally every expansion.

It’s feasible if anything. Nothing impressive. It holds together but not by much and factions still being a thing doesn’t help either. I mean it is what it is.