The real REAL WoW killer

It’s actually the other way around. Everything is enabled via government policy. I understand that money being fungible and greed being carousel makes this more complex, but corruption is top down, and there’s nothing higher up than the US government.


Capitalism sure is a beautiful thing.

watches the world burn


They both suck, but only one wants to start a civil war to punish people of color and woman who dare want rights.


Good god, this is so incredibly dramatic. How does any realistic or sane person believe this sort of thing? You realize you’re a bigot right?

“If you don’t believe what I believe, you’re evil!”

What are you even on about?


We actually have some of the cheapest gas prices in the world last I checked.

It’s a global issue and there isn’t much a sitting president could do to affect them further.


Yes, and what drives that government policy? Who influences regular people to vote for specific candidates that will then support policy to benefit corporations?


No friend. Not many options out there that can pull 30 heads of dairy heifers weighing over 30,000 lb.

But you didn’t think about that did you?


What is lobbying, Alex?


Pointing finger at others won’t help anyone in the long run since many studies have already shown that the more disproof many are shown, the more they cling to their misguided beliefs even more firmly.

I understand what you mean, and without condemning or condoning what you said I still respect what you said. And that’s what its all about at the end of the day, respecting whatever other people believe or don’t believe in. Not ridiculing them in the name of “debate” but rather coming to a common ground and a place of mutual respect.


This just reminds me of children who have no idea what the bigger picture is.
Of course corporations are responsible, so is our government and so are world circumstances that we have no control over.
It’s like some of us can’t understand it’s complicated.
We all need to get out of our political biases and stop letting the political hacks and politicians manipulating us. I’ve had enough of the people running for political office who have deep pockets with big business/corporations special interests. We should have no lobby money at all.
Ah…sorry for ranting, didn’t mean to seem like I was attacking your posting or you. Just airing my frustration. :hugs:


The government, because they enable all of this behavior. Again, you start at the top, not the people that take advantage of the things specifically being enabled by the US gov.

Who are they lobbying? Who grants their wishes?


I appreciate your open mind and I get what you’re trying to say. I voted red for 12 years, until the past few years when I saw a shift in the demographic.

Maybe it’s where I live, but the vast majority of Republicans here openly and gleefully discuss how bad the want genocide for anyone who isn’t a white male.

That’s when the party lost me. Propagandist like Tucker Carlson get on TV and push things like replacement theory and these people eat it up. They openly want to murder.


Outside of nationalizing the oil companies, not a whole lot that can be done in terms of gas prices. There might be a few things here and there but only serious market forces could bring the prices back down to where they were before.

It’s right in front of your face, man. Corporations and billionaires own the politicians. They literally buy policy.


I have sincere doubts about that.

No, they don’t.

Democrats and Republicans are literally the same group of morons. They want the same things and they don’t even know it. Or they won’t admit it because of moronic tribalism, which you seem to eat up.

What possible good would this do?

Yeah, and the chem trails, I can’t forget about them too!


I was a staunch conservative but never held loyalty to the republican party but was convinced the democrats were evil. The past decade I realized it wasn’t so simple and didn’t vote red all down the line each time. Then trump (who I voted for the first time he ran) destroyed what was left of decency in the republican party. I have really had a change of heart.


Do you do site-based work or shipping?

How would you describe your political beliefs now?

I respect that. Speaking of propagandists, a representative from Texas named Ronny Jackson blamed the recent tragedy on rap music and video games. Sigh, I felt like I was back in the early 90s again.


Presidents don’t have the power of the purse, that is the senate that does.