The real problem behind removing MM's pet

It’s bottom 3 DPS in shuffle and 3’s, which really shows you don’t know what you’re talking about.

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Depends on how you divide stats. It was dead for a long time and the ladder is not very active right now so season averages don’t really speak to the current state. You can filter for more recent activity on drustvar and marks is a lot more competitive recently.

Nope, not at all, from data.

There has not been enough activity on the ladder to significantly change statistics since November and marks has only been in its current live state for like 2 or 3 weeks. Before the dark ranger rework it was the best ranged spec in the game. Now bm is the best ranged spec in the game which has a lot more influence than anything else.

Marks needed to be…. Reworked so that it can compete with bm while not just randomly one shotting stuff with withering fire and two buttons in trueshot.

It wasn’t, again.

Yeah, especially do the phantom pain bug on release and then the changes that came after.

Which would mean adding instants or making it so you cannot be CC’d during dmg IE not a turret. If it’s not gonna do big dmg on immobile casts than not much point.

Bm has remained best spec in the game after like 3 nerfs for months. Phantom pain bug existed for like 12 hours and also impacted marks. Mm was the statistically highest represented solo shuffle ranged spec before dark ranger got reworked.

MM is one of a few specs whos damage can be reduced easier than some others when focused, so it is the target normally.

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I’m aware, which is why the re-design needs to take it away from what it was if they want things to change not ‘basically plays the same but is actually worse than before’ as they keep doing.

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They will make some band-aid fix por patch 11.2 and fix in midnight

A second disengage in pvp on Bursting Shot and moving while casting Aimed Shot also in pvp during Cheetah were their fixes to “MM usually needs to stand still to cast Aimed Shot” I would imagine. If its not enough Ill take any mobility increase that is offered. With all the movement talents MM is pretty good as is for 11.1 imo, but I could be wrong.

Except it really doesn’t, especially since knocks have DR.

Burting shot can knock back the person that casted it too, every time you cast on 11.1 pvp if talented to do so. It nearly doubles the distance it can separate the enemy from you on level ground if you jump first if it does knock them back. If they are immune at least you get some distance. I like it.

To get away from a warrior you would actually need minimum 3 disengage and that doesn’t include their ranged CC. That goes for most, things like Rogue and Feral are far worse. That’s also if everything you had was done while moving, which it ain’t. Also your ability like rapid fire goes on CD even if you get CC’d or disarmed immediately into it. Aimed shot can still be completely dodged/immuned which is common vs things like rog, and especially DH with frame immunes/glimpse


Guess I have to hope my slow, snare trap, 2 stuns, always walking faster, Cheetah, 2 knockbacks, and 2 Disengages is enough to get me by. If it does not I could reroll Worgan for one more run fast button.

Doesn’t work while slowed.

1 aimed shot sadly doesn’t kill people.

Knocks DR, depends on terrain, and gap closers.

If it supressed all slows maybe it’d be worth it. The problem in PvP is so many melee can apply slows from ranged, like rogue, as well as just from auto attack (While ranged doesn’t - except frost mage sort of)


You dont need to convince me slows are oppressively common and easy to reapply, I know and I have 11 enemy movement tools.

Whats worse is trying to kite a Warrior as Ret, being designed worse to do it and needing to maintain the distance more than a Hunter is an issue.

You just sit freedoms on steeds immune to slows, bop, bubble, LoH… Ret legit can probably kite a warrior better than MM hunter. Ret doesn’t even have to stop to cast. Rets regular rotation even auto slows their targets

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Can confirm this


They are only a small fraction of the players and their opinion is not any more valid than any other player. How good you are at the game does not make you the voice of all of the players. The majority of the players do not play the game the same as some elitist professional egamer that we almost never see in game.


Totally agree. I was replying to aa comment that was specifically talking about top pvp players.