The Real M+ God Comp Fix (imo)

For the last roughly 3 seasons now the ideal M+ key comp has been vdh/druid/priest/mage/aug in 90% of scenarios. As someone who simply doesn’t enjoy caster dps this makes it far harder to find my way in lfg or even some acquaintance keys.
Much of the power drawn from this particular comp I believe is due to the sheer power of raid buffs. I’m unsure how innate buffs such as Chaos Brand/Mystic Touch could be addressed, however I believe limiting the power of casts such as Mark of the Wild and Arcane Intellect would substantially improve other class viability.
It is truly unfortunate to request essentially blanket nerfs to these classes, but M+ has been kind of painted in to a corner with buffs that didn’t have the content in mind. Casts could imo be easily downgraded slightly for 5 man content and function as normal in outdoor/larger instance content.
ALTERNATIVELY: Bring back scrolls. Please. I’m begging. Allow us to feel less punished because we don’t have the BiS 5, and even in raid content not be punished because our warrior’s father needed help moving or something that night.


Truly I believe Scrolls might be the better play thinking further upon this. Keep the power of the class while not being quite so punishing in it’s absence. To add on to this though would also then be the request for a revert to Drums % given. I believe as they all were in BfA is the ideal to allow class flexibility now with the substantial amount of strong buffs.


For me it does make sense that you’d want to reduce the power class buffs/debuffs in M+ as you can’t get them all. Reducing their power by 50% in dungeons would feel better as there is no way to get them all. Scrolls are a good band aid but I personally dislike the maintenance of scrolls.

I think the balance when it comes to the god comp has not really been hit it accurately. We’ve seen the nerfs coming but classes that are uncapped vs others will always find a way to shine more in M+. Shadow priest seems a mess when they keep nerfing and buffing it. Augmentation being busted on release at the end of a patch did good to no one.

And while nerfs to vdh in term of stops has been done today, it is still far ahead of many other tanks when it comes to stops and metamorphosis keeps being one of the strongest tank cooldown in the game with the lowest cd when using fel devastation.

Some classes also just can’t compete when it comes to defensive cds. I know when it comes to hunters it feels pretty bad to just not have anything to press and then mages have like 5 defensive cds.

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