The real HC class Tier list

If you want to make it to 60 in HC here is the class tier list from someone who’s leveled most classes in WOW.

S Tier = Hunter, Lock
A Tier = Paladin, Rogue
B Tier = Shaman, Druid, Mage
D Tier = Priest
F- Tier = Warrior

Mage is strong but very hard with AOE. It’s boring without AOE and meh. Mage also has to drink all the time (seriously, all the time).

Priest is super boring early levels and weak. Hunter is super easy after level 10 and Lock is really easy after 10 as well.

Warrior is the worst possible class. If you enjoy killing 1 mob at a time and never touching yellow mobs, it’s the class for you.

Shaman and druid are OK but druid is very weak early. Shaman is also stale at late levels and turns into auto attack simulator with totems.

Paladin is boring but strong. It’s also an auto attack simulator but you have bubble and healing and decent damage with ret specs. You are also very tanky and can actually tank some dungeons.

Rogue is just good overall but not the best. You have to face tank a lot and it’s kinda squishy.


topkek :mortar_board:


Oh yes, the frost nova, blink, blizzard rotation is oh so hard


It is when you get resists.

Consider also how easy you can escape from danger.
I’d put rogue S for vanish
Mage can sheep or frost nova and blink.
Druid can instant travel form, or cat and sprint.
Shaman can earthbind totem ghost wolf and run.
Priest and lock mass fear but thats it.
Paladin has no speed bonus, so out of bubble not the best.
Of course warrior has no escape poor man

It’s not just about how easy it is to get out of trouble. I’ve factored in player mentality and risk taking.

Mages take risks because of how strong the class is. They get overconfident and get clapped.

Rogues also do the same thing. It’s all fun and games until that vanish fails or you get leeway attacked out of vanish. Or that SAP breaks early, or that gouge misses, or that kidney misses. Rogues are pretty squishy at higher levels.

Thats alot of misses :laughing:
Take preparation and it doubles your chances of success.
I know sub is not yhe fastest route for lvling but it’s the safest

AoE grinding is just risky and in 1 life scenarios I personally wouldn’t want to do a lot of it…but that’s just me. I’m probably never going to play HC mage though because I just don’t resonate with the mage playstyle at all in this version of the game.

I do mostly agree with this list. Despite disliking mages I think they are stronger than B though, and while Priest is definitely weak early and very boring in general they are also stronger than D tier. I’d probably drop shaman or druid down to D tier. Shaman start strong and get stale in later levels. Druids get better over time and have good escape/tank capabilities.

NGL I was playing rogue over in unofficial HC and I definitely got cocky over time. Never died before I fell out of playing (mid 30s), but yeah…they are definitely the melee version of mages.

Although I am most cocky on a warlock.

Bro, why does every person terrible at arguing always put things back on the person saying them like it’s about them.

I’ve leveled tons of rogues and usually as subtlety spec.

I’m just saying, novices on rogue will take risks and probably die because they don’t know vanish can fail or you can be hit out of it with leeway mechanics. Or they don’t know SAP can break early or just miss and remove their stealth.

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Warrior will be A tier as soon as everyone has a stacked bank alt.

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Frost, I really don’t get why you just keep lying all the time.

These are all before this post. Why do you keep jumping back and forth. You either like it or you don’t.


So the person who hit world first 60 on HC classic did it using a B tier class?

I got the battle pass…
My main is funneled my alt gold…

Bought all my gear on the Auction House / In-Game Shop…
Every Class is S-Tier now when you have gear.

Unless you have a pet class. That doesn’t get hit much. Keeping your Defense stats low. Gear can’t over power back to back to back Crushing Blows & Crits in any situation remotely close to your level.


Highest class I’ve seen on HC so far is a mage at 59 … heard a mage hit 60 too.

Not sure how that’d put them down on the list so far for the B tier. You’d think if hunter, lock, paladin, and rogue were so much better we’d have multiple 60’s of them running around.

Either way, we’re entitled to our opinion … but gonna have to disagree with this one for class rankings.

This has to be the worst tier list.

I did warrior, rogue and priest to 20 so far.
Priest was extremely easy, shield and wand, shield doesn’t even break until closer to 20, and all u have to do is recast shield.

In terms of easy, priest is S tier. U get aoe fear pretty early too, 30s cd 8s fear.

Depends on spec, prot warrior can kill yellow mobs with ease, even 2 mobs at a time. Prot is easier.
Arms, not so much, arms is squishy and missing attacks can kill you.

This is the ranking for normal players. Good players can of course do better than average.

Welcome to how everything in the entire world works.

Yes, if you are amazing at mage, you can level the fastest on mage. But most people are not. They will just get clapped.

You have to be a mage god to level 1-60 with AOE. If you are not, insta dead.

Warlock is really good, but only gets the full imperative tool kit at level 24, with suffering. Suffering (voidwalker skill) aoe taunts. The main things that kill you in hardcore are roaming packs of crap. So if you find yourself all of a sudden being attacked by 4 to 1837276 mobs, simply cast a suffering (never leave it on auto cast – only reserve it for this instance), get out of CC range, and then you are free and clear with a swiftness pot. As the voidwalker is about to die, simply sacrifice it and get that extra layer of protection as you run through your predetermined route out of the area – what you should always have for wherever you go.

So if you make it to 24 with a lock, you are nearly unkillable unless you fall off a cliff or panic when a patrolling group surprises you.

Gesus christ these tier list are always so horribly bad.

S Tier =Mage, Hunter, Druid
A Tier = Lock, Priest, Sham
B Tier= Paladin rogue
D tier = War

Druid is god mode at lvl 20 like dumb levels of easy and fast leveling.
Priest would be S tier if you went enchanting and made the OP wands. ZERO down time even in self found gear.

This, think the list if perfect for someone just hopping in and trying out HC without knowing every in and out of their class.

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I’ve only played to 14 on a lock so far, just logging in occasionally, but I’ve found as soon as you get fear you can handle multiple mobs that almost anyone else would flee from and you can solo elites that warriors and rogues especially are always asking for groups to do in chat. Of course someday I’ll probably fear something towards a camp of 20 mobs and have to flee, but by then maybe I’ll have exhaustion and recklessness.

A priest almost soloed the elite yeti in the cave you have to loot something from, but had to run. I came in and helped and just lazily chain feared it to death. Same with Vagash. Classic lock fear actually seems to be much stronger than even retail fear. It doesn’t seem to break nearly as easily. I remember in actual vanilla faceroll farming devilsaurs and elite demons and what not.

The first thing on the lock that was somewhat alarming is attacking the mechs in westfall since you can’t fear them and they’re immune to voidwalker aggro.